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From data to action: digital platforms are shaping the modern workplace


By Jenny Jones, Director of Operations, Bidvest Noonan

Delivering high-quality service in facilities management is crucial as client expectations change and grow. In this industry, our people are central to our success, and empowering them with the right tools is essential. Imagine your teams equipped with comprehensive task instructions, safety protocols, and performance guidelines at their fingertips. Imagine having much more data to inform your decisions. Performance could improve substantially. And this is not a distant dream but a reality achievable through advanced digital platforms and data-driven solutions.

In recent years, our industry has increasingly looked to robotics and AI for advances. These technologies have an important role to play in the future of our industry. However, in my view digital applications can play an equally important role. They work in a different way, enhancing human capability rather than supplementing or replacing it.

In today’s competitive market, our clients expect exceptional service, quick responses, tailored solutions, and seamless operations. These are not unreasonable requests, but standards made possible by modern technology. Digital platforms provide the tools, real-time data, and insights necessary to meet these expectations, ensuring higher performance, increased transparency, and trust.

It is essential yet often challenging to maintain consistent performance across an entire team throughout the life of a contract. Performance variations can lead to inconsistencies affecting the client and workplace experience. Digital platforms have a key role to play in bringing consistency and ensuring equal access to processes and best practices across a team.

Modern digital platforms have become far more effective due to new data sources. For example, we have increasingly adopted sensor-based technologies that capture data about a building’s use, such as occupancy, space utilisation, energy use, and more. This constant data stream enables teams to anticipate potential issues and optimise resource allocation, leading to more efficient management and well-informed decision-making.

The benefits of gathering this data are numerous. Firstly, it supports better management of front-line operations by providing actionable insights that can streamline processes and improve efficiency. For instance, insights can inform when and where cleaning should be deployed, ensuring that it is done where it is needed most to maximise value for the customer. Secondly, it proves compliance with contractual obligations by offering verifiable records, enhancing accountability and trust. Additionally, security teams can identify trends and patterns more quickly through data captured in digital logs, allowing for timely interventions. Lastly, it enhances safety and support for frontline teams by identifying potential hazards and ensuring timely interventions, leading to improved working conditions.

From a personal perspective, having access to accurate and comprehensive data significantly aids my decision-making. It allows me to make informed choices, anticipate issues before they arise, and allocate resources more effectively, ultimately leading to better service delivery and operational efficiency.
Applications make it easier for our people to perform at their best. They can provide detailed guides, safety information, and a good process for every task, ensuring higher performance. They can also enhance accountability by recording completed work. This makes life easier for all of us.

At Bidvest Noonan, we have developed a digital platform named ‘Task’, designed to empower our 27,000-strong workforce. ‘Task’ helps our people to perform their roles to the best of their ability and produces actionable insights for continuous service enhancement.

Digital platforms like ‘Task’ allow for the delivery of best-in-class FM services, combining advanced technology with human expertise. This integration ensures consistent, high-quality service, rapid response to needs, and improved transparency, enabling premises to operate at their best every day.

As technology reshapes our industry, our greatest asset remains our people. I believe investing in digital platforms is an investment in people, helping them to work more safely and set new standards of excellence.

For more information visit https://bidvestnoonan.ie/purpose


0203 319 1750


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About Sarah OBeirne

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