Home / Business / The Momentum Group shares insights into its responsible business and H&S practices

The Momentum Group shares insights into its responsible business and H&S practices

Property services company, The Momentum Group, has published its first Annual Report for Momentum Contribute and its second Annual Health, Safety and Wellbeing Report.

Momentum Contribute underpins The Momentum Group’s business activities, encapsulating the company’s commitment to people, places, the planet, and professionalism. Its maiden annual report provides an assessment of the company’s progress since launching the responsible business strand 12 months ago.

Highlights include:

  • Establishing processes to capture The Momentum Group’s baseline emissions leading to the first carbon footprint calculation for the whole business;
  • Achieving ISO 14001 and 45001 standards to prove the Group’s successful environmental and health and safety management systems;
  • Taking a leading role in the Liverpool City Region to open the debate around how the property sector can become more sustainable, most notably delivering Liverpool’s first Sustainable Property Conference in support of the UN’s Global Sustainable Development Goals Week.  The conference brought together over 80 attendees and speakers from across the property sector;
  • And establishing the Momentum Foundation, the philanthropic arm of the group, as a force for good in the Liverpool City Region by holding its first open grants panel, providing funding to five local charities.

Chris Bliss, Co-founder and Director of The Momentum Group, commented: “The Momentum Group is committed to maximising our positive contribution and minimising our negative impact. The creation of Momentum Contribute was a key step in achieving this, but the publication of our first annual report assessing its activities takes us even further on our journey to be a responsible, sustainable business. We recognise we have more to do and are committed to fulfilling our objectives in the years ahead, whilst encouraging other businesses to behave in a more socially and environmentally responsible way.”

Marking The Momentum Group’s ongoing commitment to the highest standards of health, safety and wellbeing, the company’s second Annual Health, Safety and Wellbeing Report offers a transparent look into Momentum’s practices for clients, supply chain partners, and its own team. Sitting at the core of the business, ‘Safe First’ underpins everything that Momentum does.

  • In over 195,000 hours of activity, the team had only one significant reportable incident, and zero dangerous occurrences, with The Momentum Group continuing to set very high standards and ensuring its team and supply chain partners adhere to processes and procedures;
  • Momentum facilitates several regular meetings across the business to keep an open line of conversation to discuss health and safety issues and concerns. These include the Steering Group, chaired by the company’s external safety advisors alongside the Co-Founder Directors and each of the division heads. The Co-Founder Directors also undertake Monthly Safety Tours on various sites across the business;
  • Mental wellbeing is another key aspect of Momentum’s health, safety and wellbeing considerations, with the management team implementing a range of initiatives to aid the mental health of the team, including all line managers being trained as Mental Health First Aiders;
  • During the 12-month period, The Momentum Group employees took part in over 8,600 hours of training, including courses on Fire Safety, First Aid, and various construction related courses.

Chris Renshaw, Co-founder and Director of The Momentum Group, added: “Our health and safety performance continues to be strong, and we will ensure we maintain our high standards, reviewing, adapting, and challenging ourselves to be even better in the year ahead.

“More broadly, both reports are a testament to the commitment, hard work and support from our team, clients and partners, and extend our gratitude to them all for the key roles they have played in all that we have achieved so far.”

Read the full Annual Report for Momentum Contribute here and the Annual Health, Safety and Wellbeing Report here.

Webinar: Using AI learning to improve frontline staff engagement

Frontline workers form the backbone of facilities management services, serving as the face of the brand and interacting directly with customers. Yet research by both L&G and the Living Wage Foundation reveals the majority feel overlooked and expendable.

Accelerating the problem is a growing technology gap. Despite having 2.7 billion deskless workers worldwide, representing 80 per cent of the global workforce, only one per cent of software and technology investments has been allocated to this segment. This means there is a huge disconnect between frontline workers and their headquarters, leading to lack of sufficient training, communication challenges and low employee retention.

For this webinar, FMJ has teamed up with frontline training platform Lingio to bring together a panel of experts, to discuss how easy-to-use and efficient AI tools can help create engaging and gamified learning experiences that fit the needs of underserved deskless workers. The result? Better software and learning experiences lead to improved staff engagement and reduced staff turnover by up to 95 per cent, according to McKinsey.

To register for the webinar taking place on 11 September at 11:00 am click here.

About Sarah OBeirne

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