Home / Month in FM / UK training provider adds water sampling to growing list of water hygiene courses

UK training provider adds water sampling to growing list of water hygiene courses

FMJ contributors and IHEEM Knowledge Partners, PPL Training, have announced that their Water Sampling for Legionella, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and TVCs training course has been given third party recognition by City & Guilds Assured.

Launched earlier this year at the HEFMA Leadership and Development Forum, the course is aimed at healthcare estate and facilities managers, supervisors and staff responsible for taking water samples for laboratory analysis.

The 1 day water hygiene course aims to provide delegates with the necessary information so that they can mitigate the risk of waterborne infections in the environments they are responsible for.

Training activities include the taking of water samples following guidance documents HSG 274, HTM 04-01 and BS 7592, formulating and implementing a sampling plan. Plus, identifying the appropriate action to be taken depending on the subsequent results.

Feedback from early adopters, PPL say, has highlighted the training environment, knowledgeable tutors and in-person delivery as positives.

For more information visit www.ppltraining.co.uk, email fmj@ppltraining.co.uk or call 0333 121 1215.


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About Sarah OBeirne

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