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Arcus FM publishes first EDI report

Arcus FM affirms its commitment to building an inclusive workplace with the publication of its first Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) report.

The report, which follows the public release of Arcus’ five-year EDI strategy last September, provides transparency on the company’s progress and outlines the actions taken to drive positive change.

The EDI report focuses on several key initiatives aimed at improving workplace diversity and creating a more inclusive environment. A central aspect of this effort is the commitment to enhancing female representation in engineering roles. By supporting initiatives like the STEMazing Inspiration Academy, it is working to inspire future generations of women to pursue careers in STEM fields, helping to address the gender imbalance in the industry.

Arcus is also focused on reviewing its employment policies to ensure they are aligned with the latest inclusive practices. This review process is crucial in embedding equality, diversity, and inclusion into the company’s everyday operations, ensuring all employees feel supported and valued.

Another critical area of focus has been the introduction of programmes designed to improve diversity in leadership positions. Arcus is committed to building a pipeline of diverse talent, ensuring opportunities for underrepresented groups to advance within the organisation.

The EDI report outlines Arcus’s ongoing strategy for building a diverse workforce and inclusive culture, with clear, measurable goals that focus on creating long-term, sustainable change.

Debbie Gregory, Chief People Officer at Arcus, said: “The release of our first EDI report is an important step in holding ourselves accountable for creating a truly inclusive workplace. We are proud of the progress we’ve made so far and remain committed to fostering a culture where everyone can thrive and contribute their best.”

Theresa Bell, Chief Commercial Officer and Executive Sponsor of EDI, added: “Our goal is to make equality, diversity, and inclusion the foundation of everything we do at Arcus. This report is not just a reflection of our journey so far but sets a clear path to driving lasting change. We are passionately committed to creating a workplace where every individual feels empowered, valued, and able to thrive.”

About Sarah OBeirne

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