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Author Archives: Sarah OBeirne

Ely hospital opts for an EcoCooling fresh air solution to help prevent the spread of Covid-19

The Princess of Wales hospital chose EcoCooling’s evaporative cooling solution to address the high temperatures in both clinical and staff areas. The units work as part of a mechanical ventilation system that provides fresh air and will operate at a ...

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Military provision

Sara Bean talks to David Brewer, COO of the Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO), who explains the huge benefits of a recent overhaul to the procurement of MoD training estate, built estate and accommodation contracts, worth around £3 billion per annum ...

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Tips for managing the safe return to work

As all industries from trade to office workers begin to return to their normal working environments, it is key to make employees feel safe in the knowledge that they are protected at all times in their working environment; this is ...

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Protective screens for offices and public spaces, a ‘safe and simple’ answer to COVID-19 threat

With employers looking to provide a safe environment for when office workers get the go-ahead to return to work, Onduline Building Products has launched a workplace protective screen system to help shield against the threat of COVID-19. The ‘safe, secure ...

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Regime change

By Simon Giles, Chief Operating Officer, Axis Cleaning & Support Services Cleaning has often had an image problem, but in a COVID-19 and post-COVID world that image is steadily changing. Whilst from the start of the crisis, cleaners were included ...

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How recovery-ready is your business?

With lockdown restrictions being gradually relaxed, many business owners will be anticipating how they can safely return to work and begin recovering their businesses. To help with the anything-but-ordinary return to work, Moneypenny, the outsourced communication provider, has created ‘How ...

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Supporting businesses reassure employees during the return to work post Covid-19

As a Crown Commercial Supplier supporting the government’s fight against all manner of pathogens including Covid-19, facilities managers can rest assured CryoGen will deliver the levels of service quality expected by the UK government. Whether your business requires a deep ...

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InnuScience urges cleaning and FM sectors to practice ‘Justified Disinfection’ post-lockdown

  InnuScience, a global leader in commercial cleaning systems based on biotechnology, is urging the cleaning and FM sectors to adopt high levels of hygiene with an emphasis on effective cleaning using high performing detergents rather than an over reliance ...

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Leaving lockdown with purpose

Blog from Rory Murphy, Commercial Director, VINCI Facilities Almost eight weeks to the day since my last blog and we seem to be taking pigeon steps out of lockdown. The delicate balancing act of public health versus economic wellbeing means ...

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Career Ladder talks to UK Workplace Manager at Amnesty International

Q: How did you progress in FM to your current role? I stumbled into the world of Facilities when I started working as Receptionist in a multi-tenanted building, a mix of commercial and office space. I quickly realised I wanted ...

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