Home / electric vehicles / Businesses charge ahead to switch to an EV future despite regulatory ‘potholes’

Businesses charge ahead to switch to an EV future despite regulatory ‘potholes’

Businesses are charging ahead to install on-site electric vehicle (EV) charge points to decarbonise their commercial fleets and offer charging facilities to the wider public, according to new research, but are battling complex regulations, an inaccessible national grid, and unhelpful planning laws.

Some six million commercial vehicles travel up and down Britain’s roads each year, but today, only one per cent of vans, eight per cent of company cars, and less than one per cent of HGVs are electric. Increasing this proportion is a vital part of achieving the Government’s net zero ambition by 2050. Businesses are keen to make the switch and are making significant progress.

A major piece of new research by charge point operator (CPO) Believ finds that almost all (88 per cent) businesses are already installing EV charging infrastructure. Many (57 per cent) plan to double charging capacity by 2028, driven by a desire to electrify company vehicles, reduce CO2 emissions and fulfil their environmental, social, and governance (ESG) goals.

Most businesses, especially retail, hospitality and leisure businesses, understand the advantage of having their own charging facilities to attract new customers (69 per cent) or use charging revenues to offset any upfront installation costs (72 per cent). But despite this strong motivation they are facing significant hurdles.

Seven out of 10 respondents (70 per cent) say projects are delayed by the slow pace, high cost and complexity of working with electricity companies to upgrade the local power supply, and 11 per cent find it a significant barrier. Similarly, for 70 per cent of businesses, navigating inconsistent planning laws across the country is complex and confusing. Over a quarter (27 per cent) struggle to get sufficient support from local councils to overcome these issues, and nearly three-quarters (74 per cent) of businesses say they need specialist help.

If businesses can accelerate the installation of their on-site charge points they would reduce their partial (58 per cent) or total (14 per cent) reliance on the national public infrastructure. Some respondents say sales and delivery vehicles now spend more time charging or travelling to charge points than being used productively and almost one-fifth (17 per cent) were concerned about missing deliveries or meeting deadlines. The additional fuel consumption, vehicle wear and tear and planning to optimise travel routes are also increasing operational costs.

Believ’s CEO, Guy Bartlett, says greater collaboration between the public and private sectors is needed: “Businesses are being thwarted by factors where greater collaboration with CPOs would help accelerate the rollout of EV charging infrastructure.  

“The best CPOs have the knowledge and expertise many businesses seek about installing charge points and navigating the complexities of planning laws across the country. National and local governments can also help solve many issues that businesses face, such as easing access to the national grid and better targeted funding for national public charging infrastructure to areas that are not commercially viable.  

“The national Government’s promises, such as the £70 million investment at COP28, however, and the national rapid charging network are yet to be delivered and are needed urgently. It is vital for British businesses, the UK economy and the country’s global competitiveness. We must act now to facilitate sustainable transport and deliver cleaner air for all.” 

In this month’s edition of FMJ Daniel Lessiter, Head of Business Partnerships at Believ, explains how an EV charging infrastructure plays a key role in supporting sustainable transport initiatives. To read his article click here.

Have your say on the Future of CAFM 

Specialist Computer-aided Facility Management (CAFM) software developer, Idox, has launched a new survey ‘Influence the Future of CAFM’ and would like to hear from those working in the dynamic facilities management sector.

The survey will take no more than 10 minutes to complete. Your unique perspectives and experiences are crucial in shaping the future of facilities management software and addressing the challenges posed by skills shortages.

What’s in It for You? 

Early Access: Be among the first to receive survey results.

Insightful Report: Gain valuable insights from Idox’s comprehensive analysis.

Respondents who leave their details will be entered into a prize draw for a chance to win a Meta Quest 2 headset.

To take part in the survey click here.

About Sarah OBeirne

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