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Flexible tech and wellbeing support is a priority for job seekers, particularly the younger generation

Three quarters (73 per cent) of UK workers believe that the provision of ergonomic work conditions, as well as support for their health would help determine whether to join an organisation. The survey by Ergotron, revealed that younger generations surveyed ...

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Home advantage

While workers are beginning to go back to the office, a significant number of knowledge workers are still primarily home based. A trend paper from DURABLE, ‘Working in small spaces’ provides some practical solutions When FMJ covered research by Durable ...

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Personal preferences

Patrick Ames, Director of Claremont suggests we need to look to individual personas to create ergonomic, desirable and efficient workplaces After 20 months of unprecedented change – businesses are fast realising the need to reinvent the workplace. The saying ‘we’re ...

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Innovative, functional and ingenious design: German Innovation Award 2021 and IF Design Award 2021 for the DURABLE Monitor Mounts

An ‘exceptional innovative achievement’ and a ‘successful marriage of form and functionality’ – called to assess DURABLE’s Monitor Mounts, both the German Design Council and the jury of the iF Design Award were full of praise. Having emerged as winner ...

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Ergonomic solutions for home working

Home working is not yet a thing of the past. As restrictions lift but the message still clearly ‘work from home if you can’, DURABLE offer solutions for efficient and ergonomic workstations to ensure your staff are set up for ...

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Double Victory for DURABLE at the Iconic Awards 2021

DURABLE Monitor Mounts and CAVOLINE® cable management win in the category “Office and workplace” “Exceptionally good products” with “outstanding design quality”: Two DURABLE tech accessory ranges have convinced the renowned international jury of the Iconic Awards. The German Brand Manufacturer ...

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German Design Award for the DURABLE Monitor Mounts

Special Mention Award 2021 for the design concept and its execution The German Design Council has recognised the new groundbreaking Monitor Mounts from DURABLE in the German and international design landscape and will be awarding the German Design Award 2021 ...

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AJ Products and ukactive investigate how to tackle sedentary behaviour in the workforce

The COVID-19 pandemic has shed new light on an already critical aspect of working life: that of employee health and wellbeing. While awareness of the dangers of sedentary working was already increasing, these unprecedented times underline the importance of companies ...

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Home design

What began as a short-term response in March 2020 has morphed into a way of life for millions of office staff who continue to work from home. Sam Rylands, Marketing Manager for DURABLE warns that the quality of the ergonomics ...

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Are you equipped for flexible working?

If the past few months have shown us anything, it’s that flexible working from home is possible (albeit with a few technical failures to keep us entertained!). Whilst many had set up temporary desk spaces when lockdown started, are you ...

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