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FM Clinic

Delivering a real Living Wage to workers

The Institute of Workplace and Facilities Management (IWFM) recently published guidance, in partnership with the Living Wage Foundation, outlining the practicalities and benefits of paying the real Living Wage. With FM suppliers admitting they often struggle to deliver a real ...

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FM Clinic: The challenges of a mixed way of working

With the majority of knowledge workers forced into working from home (WFH) due to COVID-19, how difficult will it be to persuade people to return to the workplace? Do you envisage a mix of home and office working? How will ...

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FM Clinic: Workplace dining in the ‘new normal’

With the gradual return of staff to the workplace, in-house catering facilities which have been on hiatus during the lockdown can begin to ramp back up. But with the situation still being far from normal, how can caterers and their ...

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Returning to work: How to energise building sustainability targets

According to a recent survey 10 per cent of buildings have achieved over half (54 per cent) reduction in energy use since the lockdown. Once we get back to BAU how can organisations aim to reach their sustainability targets, especially ...

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FM Clinic: Maintaining operational staffing levels in the long term

The Government and other party leaders have praised the contribution that cleaners and other low paid workers such as security guards are playing in helping to tackle the Coronavirus. But there is yet no indication how FM suppliers will maintain ...

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COVID-19 Clinic

With the current crisis over Covid-19 how can FMs ensure that buildings are kept operational – particularly vital ones such as hospitals? And how can they ensure that remote based staff who were previously office based are managed efficiently and ...

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How to attract and retain future leaders in the FM sector

According to a recent report by The Institute of Leadership & Management 47 per cent of recipients who said they are dissatisfied in their current role feel undervalued by their managers. Other factors linked to dissatisfaction include a lack of ...

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FM Clinic: Improving wellbeing in the workplace

Alongside the design and layout of a workplace, the way it is run can have a profound effect on the wellbeing of occupants, including encouraging breaks, improving ergonomics and ensuring access to healthy food and exercise. In what ways can ...

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FM trends: A wrap up of 2019 and a peak into 2020

Just some of the predicted trends in FM for 2019 were; evolution in the way contracts were outsourced and managed, a greater emphasis on health and wellbeing, the impact of the coworking revolution, coping with the challenges caused by Brexit ...

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How to make meetings more productive

A recent poll carried out for Remark Group revealed that meeting rooms aren’t facilitating productivity or collaboration, as half of people leave meetings thinking they weren’t successful. What more can be done to make meetings more productive, including their design, ...

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