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Artificial intelligence continues to overhaul facilities management

By Ben Yexley, Head of Business Development at askporter, shares his reflections on facilities management in 2023, and looks at some predictions for 2024. Innovative technology has become a main conversation point across the facilities management sector in 2023. With ...

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Sound energy

Despite the push for more ‘in person’ working styles, many office spaces still struggle with persistent and overbearing ‘noise’. Ben Hancock, MD at Oscar Acoustics, explains how acoustic sound sprays can help manage the next phase of office working A ...

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Bouncing back

When disaster strikes, business operations can be significantly impacted, causing major losses. Hein Hemke, MD of disaster recovery firm BELFOR, explains how FMs can improve their chances of recovery and limit lasting impact on their business Disasters can hit a ...

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No job too small

Peter Doyle, Head of Health and Safety Services at Citation on how to prepare for the key areas of focus for the HSE regarding workplace safety in 2024 Proactive and reactive maintenance is all in a day’s work for facilities ...

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Washrooms in winter

The risk of contracting colds, flu and new COVID variants inevitably rises whenever people congregate to party. Lee Radzki from Tork manufacturer Essity considers ways of reducing cross-contamination in the public washroom this winter It has been three short years ...

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Addressing the recruitment shortfall within FM in 2024

Although research has suggested there is a largely positive outlook regarding workloads and employment across the facilities management sector, many employers continue to cite difficulties in finding staff for skilled maintenance, support services and property management roles. What more can ...

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Frost-free festivities

Samantha Fry of UK-wide grounds and winter maintenance specialist Ground Control, offers some essential tips for maintaining outdoor facilities, including car parks and external spaces, to keep things running smoothly over the winter festive season The festive season may bring ...

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Legacy and Future

Ross Abbate, CEO of newly independent FM provider Macro explains to Sara Bean the rationale behind its divestment from Mace Group and the opportunities he believes it will bring to clients and suppliers On 31 October, 21 years after the ...

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Three of the best

The BCO’s annual Awards celebrate the best in class of UK workplace design. FMJ focuses on three of this year’s award-winning office spaces and learns what BCO CEO Richard Kauntze and Chair of judges Mike Burton look for in a ...

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Era of change

Craig Peters, Senior Consultant, Magenta Associates reports from Day 1 of WorkTech London (November 21st – 22nd) which included discussions on the evolving needs of occupants and how digital technology is transforming the workplace It felt quite apt that Edwin ...

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