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Green Investment

£557m government investment for public buildings to switch to cleaner energy 

More public buildings and businesses will benefit from over half a billion pounds in government funding to help reduce their energy bills and carbon emissions. Schools, pools, and hospitals will be supported to make energy efficient upgrades, with over £557 ...

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Leadec expands sustainable services with Green Hub in UK

Leadec, the leading global service specialist for factories along their entire life cycle, continues to strengthen its Green Factory Solutions. The new Green Hub in Coventry for all aspects of the circular economy extends the existing network for sustainable solutions. ...

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RICS reports demand for green and sustainable buildings are rising but costs slowing progress

Occupier demand for sustainable buildings in the UK has risen, and global appetite for green buildings is on the rise, but legislative uncertainty and lack of measurement is holding industry back from making a real impact on net zero targets. ...

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Westminster Council launches new green investment scheme

Westminster City Council in partnership with ethical crowdfunding platform Abundance Investment, has launched Westminster Green Investment, to support local green projects and tackle climate change. The new scheme will give residents a chance to invest in sustainable projects and green ...

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