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CIBSE publishes new guidance to calculate embodied carbon of warehouse equipment in logistics centres

The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE) has launched new comprehensive Europe-wide guidance, Embodied carbon in building services: logistics centres(TM65.3), which has been developed with the support of Introba and Amazon. This is the first industry-wide guidance that helps ...

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ANC publishes guidance on acoustic requirements in Building Regulations Part O

A new document which provides built environment professionals with top line guidance on the new Approved Document O (ADO) ‘Overheating’ England has been published by the Association of Noise Consultants (ANC). The Q&A document has been produced following a number ...

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New BESA specification will ‘revolutionise building air quality’

A new specification for ventilation hygiene has been launched by the Building Engineering Services Association (BESA) as part of its ongoing efforts to minimise the risk posed by contaminated indoor air to human health and wellbeing. BESA has also updated two ...

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BSI revises guidance to enhance sustainability in events industry

Updated guidance has been published by national standards body, BSI, to help the events industry to embed sustainable practices and address emerging challenges across climate change, supply chain and social impact. The new guidance has been published more than a ...

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EMCOR UK experts offer insight for FM success in new e-book

A new strategic 15-step guide that will help FMs drive efficiency, reduce costs and strengthen customer partnerships has been published by EMCOR UK. The free guide is split into five sections, with experts from EMCOR UK sharing three actions for ...

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New flexible working Code of Practice published by Acas

A new statutory Code of Practice on requests for flexible working alongside accompanying guidance has been published by the workplace experts. All employees now have the right to ask their employer if they can work flexibly from their first day ...

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Updated guidance calls for second staircases in all new high-rise residential buildings

The government has updated its guidance calling for second staircases in all new tall residential buildings over 18 metres from 30 September 2026. The change in guidance adds to a package of recent fire safety measures and reforms including the ...

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GPA publishes guidance to improve biodiversity across government estate

The Government Property Agency (GPA) has published new guidance – Biodiversity and Nature Recovery Annex (BNRA) – detailing how it will protect and improve the natural environment across the extensive estate it manages. As the largest office property holder in ...

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IWFM publishes new guidance for building energy management

A new and updated Energy Management Good Practice Guide (GPG) has been published by the Institute of Workplace and Facilities Management (IWFM) in partnership with energy management expert, Carbon Numbers. The GPG addresses critical energy consumption challenges and strategies against ...

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Unlocking creativity through inclusive design: New practical design guide published with neurodiversity focus

There is growing recognition that we all perceive the world differently and that to thrive, we need to create spaces that meet everyone’s needs. However, the concept of inclusive design often conjures up a notion of compromise that curbs creativity ...

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