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Mental Health

Businesses report employee mental health support has improved

New research by workplace expert, Acas, has found that more than a third of British employers have seen their mental health support improve since the start of the Coronavirus pandemic. Acas commissioned YouGov to ask businesses in Britain about whether ...

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First of a kind

ABM UK recently introduced an innovative mental health first aid training programme for its front line staff. Here, Chris Townsend, Senior HR Director at ABM UK explains why the rest of the FM industry needs to follow suit The pandemic ...

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FM Clinic: Supporting worker’s mental health in the face of continued uncertainty

Recent research published by Warwick Business School suggests that companies that don’t do enough to support their workers’ mental health, risk seeing their overall productivity drop by a quarter. With employees facing continued disruption to their work and personal lives ...

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8 global mental health tips from the professionals

While it is important during this global health crisis that we isolate to reduce the spread of disease, distancing to keep everyone safe does have a downside. Many people will be suffering from higher levels of stress, anxiety and even ...

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Facilities management & wellbeing in the workplace

Wellbeing in the workplace has rightly become a central focal point within recent years. Employee health matters. A happy, healthy team is a productive one and vital to the success of most (if not all) organisations. The built environment plays ...

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Talking it over

Linda Wheatley, Group Compliance Director at Business Moves Group argues that a culture change is required to improve the mental wellbeing of the workforce A quick look through the news will tell you that mental health awareness has risen up ...

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Positive thinking

The built environment has improved its record in terms of physical health and safety. Sara Bean finds out how charity Mates in Mind and VINCI FM are working to promote mental wellbeing Russell Stilwell is a successful businessman and founder ...

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