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Backup plan

We’re going through some uncertain times, what with Brexit and the collapse of leading players in the FM sector. Here, Julian Fris, Director at Neller Davies explores the role of emergency procurement in helping to weather the storm There seems ...

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Procurement passage

Mark Whittaker, Facilities Management Solutions Consultant at Thomson FM Limited and Chair of the IWFM, North Region argues that FMs must ensure to create a clear procurement journey First, a true story. One of my close friends recently arrived at ...

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Redefining value

Phil McClennon, CEO of Leadec, explains why the outsourcing market must become a race to the top if the industry is to thrive and grow in difficult times With several high-profile outsourcing businesses hitting the headlines for all the wrong ...

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Life after Carillion

FMJ and leading FM company Salisbury Group brought together a group of senior client-side FMs under Chatham House rules to discuss the sustainability of FM contracts and how to deliver mutually beneficial partnerships for clients, service providers and subcontractors PARTICIPANTS ...

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