Home / recycling (page 10)


Lasting value

A recent survey by FMJ and Grundon Waste Management revealed that many organisations struggle to convince staff of the need to recycle. How can employees be encouraged to think and act more sustainably? For many of us, a typical day ...

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Plastic isn’t the problem

Our infrastructure is, argues Steve Fox, Purchasing Director, Bartlett Mitchell. Why banning the use of plastic packaging isn’t the answer, having a strategic government policy to enable an integrated recycling infrastructure is Until we have an efficient UK wide infrastructure ...

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Plastic surgery

Water system suppliers and workplace caterers have declared war on single-use plastic. We find out what can be done to reduce the presence of disposable plastic in the office Globally, we are waking up to the environmental impact of blindly ...

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Don’t throw away the chance to clear up waste

In a year that has seen BrewDog launch a protest beer against President Trump’s decision to withdraw the US from the Paris Agreement; P&G close in on its zero-waste and renewables targets; and 44 of 51 UK towns and cities ...

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