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The big issues

We recently held a roundtable discussion under Chatham House rules, where members of the FMJ Editorial Steering Committee, representing both public and private sector organisations, discussed the big issues impacting in-house FMs FMJ Editorial Steering Committee is made up of ...

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Data-led decisions

FMJ in partnership with property operations platform Facilio brought together a group of FM thought leaders from both client and services-provider backgrounds to discuss whether taking a tech-centric approach can help organisations transition to data-led building operations and achieve their ...

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LIA roundtable sparks insights for sustainable future

The Lighting Industry Association’s (LIA) first ‘Sustainability Illuminated’ Roundtable, held at the end of June at Rotherwick House, London, featured a panel of industry experts who brought a wealth of experience, insight, and innovative ideas to a series of engaging ...

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Healthy discussion

FMJ, in conjunction with Zip Water brought together a panel of senior FMs under Chatham House rules to share their expertise in providing sustainable and healthy working environments The pandemic has changed the way in which people work and live, ...

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A welcome return

FMJ in conjunction with ZIP Water, the provider of award-winning sustainable drinking water systems brought together a panel of FMs to discuss the provisions FMs are putting in place to make the return to work feel both secure and welcoming ...

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Game of risk

A recent survey by FMJ and FM company Salisbury Group found that the vast majority of FMs see risk management as a key part of their role. We brought together a group of client-side FMs under Chatham House rules to ...

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