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CIWM launches Sector Inclusion Forum

Dr Tracey Leghorn, Chief Business Services Officer at SUEZ Recycling and Recovery UK

The Chartered Institution of Wastes Management (CIWM) has launched its Sector Inclusion Forum, which will support the organisation in delivering its Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Strategy and act as an advisory body on its deliverables, including a Code of Conduct.

The Sector Inclusion Forum, which is to be chaired by Dr Tracey Leghorn, Chief Business Services Officer at SUEZ Recycling and Recovery UK, will also establish links with other parts of the sector to drive positive change, facilitate task and finish groups to deliver specific activities, establish member EDI communities to bring in wider member input, endorse the work of the EDI strategy, and promote good practice by highlighting the importance of EDI in the sector.

The Forum will be comprised of representatives from waste and recycling businesses, key stakeholder groups such as ESA and EU Skills, as well as CIWM members, a Trustee, and a member of CIWM staff.

Commenting on the launch, Katie Cockburn, CIWM Director of Policy, Media & Education, said: “Since its launch in 2020, we have made significant strides in advancing the objectives outlined in our EDI Strategy. The launch of the CIWM Sector Inclusion Forum marks a pivotal milestone in this journey. To truly move the world beyond waste, we need the support of an inclusive community that embraces diverse voices, knowledge, skills, and perspectives, and the work of our Sector Inclusion Forum will be instrumental in achieving this.”

In addition to forming the Sector Inclusion Forum and ring-fencing funding, CIWM has made significant progress against the actions set out in its EDI strategy, including:

  • Producing an EDIGlossary to assist CIWM staff, members, and the wider sector in understanding EDI concepts and terminology.
  • Creating an EDI e-learning course to help shift mindsets through practical tips and techniques.
  • Developing a CIWM EDI Code of Conduct to establish consistent attitudes and behaviours across stakeholders.
  • Reviewing flexible working and wellbeing policies within CIWM to create a workplace that acknowledges and accommodates different lifestyles.

CIWM is also in the process of producing EDI best practice guides for recruitment, communication, events, and workplace amenities and facilities.

**TAKING PLACE THIS MORNING AT 11:00am** Webinar: Using AI learning to improve frontline staff engagement

Frontline workers form the backbone of facilities management services, serving as the face of the brand and interacting directly with customers. Yet research by both L&G and the Living Wage Foundation reveals the majority feel overlooked and expendable.

Accelerating the problem is a growing technology gap. Despite having 2.7 billion deskless workers worldwide, representing 80 per cent of the global workforce, only one per cent of software and technology investments has been allocated to this segment. This means there is a huge disconnect between frontline workers and their headquarters, leading to lack of sufficient training, communication challenges and low employee retention.

For this webinar, FMJ has teamed up with frontline training platform Lingio to bring together a panel of experts, to discuss how easy-to-use and efficient AI tools can help create engaging and gamified learning experiences that fit the needs of underserved deskless workers. The result? Better software and learning experiences lead to improved staff engagement and reduced staff turnover by up to 95 per cent, according to McKinsey.

To register for the webinar taking place on 11 September at 11:00 am click here.

About Sarah OBeirne

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