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Collaborative thinking


While the pandemic has undoubtedly led to the acceleration of technology designed to support and enable communication and collaboration, the survey found that digital data-sharing between suppliers only took place around 42 per cent of the time, with the reason being a reluctance to share data with potential competitors.

Farrell admits that entrenched attitudes are impeding the take-up of secure data-sharing technology, which is something of a barrier to promoting collaboration.

“When we think of entrenched attitudes it’s the ‘this is mine,’ mindset, because as corporate organisations we’ve all got to make our margins. When we set out just to achieve our singular objectives it can damage those around us, so the way we can help advance the industry is ideally to allow information to flow more openly.

“The rate of change is demonstrating the effectiveness of technology, so if you’ve got a whole load of information and share that with someone else, they might share their insights too and help you both come up with a better answer.”

Sharing data for the common good with partners, subcontractors and clients is something that VINCI is absolutely committed to, and in terms of internal relationships with key stakeholders, digital collaboration is vital.

Says Farrell: “There are so many contractors in the supply chain and the way they capture data can often be very different, so one of things we’re looking at now is how to get the supply chain to supply us with information in the same way and in a standard format that we can use and our customer can access.”

Collaboration by its very nature means bringing everyone on board and that means getting buy in from key stakeholders. According to the survey, respondents who had successfully established formalised collaborative working recommend the following steps had begun by building the business case to get senior management on board which spells out the benefits and how risks will be managed and mitigated.

Explains Farrell: “The business case comes down to demonstrating what you’ve achieved and using examples of where collaboration has succeeded. This is why we’ve included a couple of case studies(v) in the white paper.

“But my advice is that one of the ways to get buy in is to get the Board to look at that ultimate vision and say what’s the cost of not doing it? What’s the risk? It does come down to understanding what you’re trying to achieve and looking to excite people around that purpose. If you can excite a board of directors around a purpose you’re on the way.”

He concludes: “We’ve got to ask, in normal times what is our purpose? It’s not just to engage with a piece of work, it’s about making a difference, something which has only been highlighted during the pandemic. If we take that lesson and continue to collaborate for a higher purpose that would be a wonderful thing.”


About Sarah OBeirne

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