Home / Building Performance / CUBE competition kicks off in the UK
Landsec is one of nine leading industry names that have signed up to the competition

CUBE competition kicks off in the UK

The real estate industry’s first competition dedicated to empowering commercial buildings to make a significant contribution to net zero, has officially launched in the UK.

Since the competition was announced in June 2021, CUBE has signed up nine leading industry names. The participants encompass a diverse range of company sizes, sectors, locations and building types – comprising existing, heritage and newly refurbished commercial premises.

CUBE is designed to improve energy efficiency in the workplace through a fun, gamified competition that encourages simple behavioural change and building reprogramming. Crucially, it is designed to encourage closer collaboration between landlords, building managers and occupiers, promoting collective action towards shared goals to bring about substantial energy savings in their commercial buildings.

These early movers are set to pioneer an innovative new approach to driving energy efficiency improvements in their buildings, working together and sharing knowledge, best practice, and outcomes to lead the way in the wider industry’s journey to net zero.

Organised by Ampersand Partners alongside founders A4MT, the competition is already proven in France, where it has run successfully for six years, delivering energy savings of up to 55 per cent in a single year for participants including BNP Paribas, Carrefour and Orange.

The current list of UK CUBE participants

  • Leading UK real estate company Landsec put forward three commercial buildings in London – One New Change, 80-100 Victoria Street and New Street Square
  • Developer, investor, and asset manager Stanhope has entered as a landlord, working in tandem with Savills and Enjoy-Work as property managers, committing four buildings in London: 2 Television Centre, White City Place MediaWorks, White City Place WestWorks and Chiswick Park Building 7
  • In addition to the above, Savills, one of the world’s leading property agents, has also submitted five buildings
  • TOG (The Office Group), provider of beautifully-designed flexible workspaces across the UK, has joined with two London buildings – one at Borough High Street and the other at Albert House in Old Street
  • The Howard de Walden Estate, the owner of approximately 850 buildings across Marylebone, London, registered its historic head office at 23 Queen Anne Street in London’s Marylebone
  • Real estate developer, the RO, has committed two buildings – One Dorset Street in Southampton and GNR8 Clarendon Road in Watford
  • Property investor, developer, and asset manager, XLB Property, has submitted three buildings, all based in Manchester – The Tootal Buildings, 35 Dale Street and Fourways, all of which are Grade 2 Listed and over a century old
  • Workspace, a leading provider of flexible office space for London’s brightest businesses, has signed up two buildings in the capital – heritage building The Leather Market in Bermondsey and new building The Frames in Shoreditch
  • Dorrington, an established property investor and developer, has committed its own offices, based at 14 Hans Road in London’s Knightsbridge

Kristin Marin, who runs the competition in the UK, said: “We’re excited to welcome such an impressive community of participants to mark the launch of CUBE in the UK. In some cities, office buildings are losing a huge £60 million in wasted energy annually1 so it’s encouraging to see genuine commitment from a growing group of industry leaders joining together to effect long-lasting transformation and drive positive environmental impact.

“CUBE is designed to inspire a fun, competitive spirit, demonstrating that small interventions in how we use buildings can add up to substantial changes in energy performance. We’re immensely proud of our pioneering group of early movers, and strongly encourage more landlords, occupiers, owners, building managers and employers to follow suit and join in!”

Now that the year-long competition has kicked off, the next step will be for all participants to mobilise their internal green teams and submit their historic energy data. CUBE engineers can then calculate baselines against which ongoing monthly performance and top ranked performers will be assessed. The first rankings will be revealed in May.

Registration to the competition remains open until the end of April.

Waste Management and Recycling Survey

FMJ in conjunction with Grundon Waste Management have launched the 2022 survey into how FMs approach their waste management and recycling responsibilities.

It’s the fifth year for the annual appraisal, and as we return to normal, there is a real opportunity for FMs to reappraise their waste and recycling operations and look at new, smarter waste management strategies.

In order to understand how FMs have navigated their way through the last year and their plans for meeting stringent waste and recycling targets we’ve posed a series of questions which include insights into FMs’ waste management strategy and targets, such as zero waste and landfill, the types of waste organisations produce and what helps FMs promote waste management in their organisations?

Please share your experiences and opinions on waste management. The survey will take just five minutes to complete, and as a thank you for taking part, respondents will be entered into a prize draw to win a £150 Amazon gift card.

To take part click here.




About Sarah OBeirne

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