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Social Value Conference

15-17 October 2024
Social Value Conference
Hybrid Event – Days 1 & 2 online, Day 3 online and in-person at The Eastside Rooms, Birmingham

Organisers of the seventh annual not-for-profit Social Value Conference have released details of a bigger, longer and more detailed programme this year.

Presented by Social Value Portal in collaboration with the National Social Value Taskforce, this year’s event will take place from 15 to 17 October 2024.

A hybrid event

For the first time, the Social Value Conference will be spread across three days, offering a fully immersive experience that will cover a number of new themes, industries and topics.

Days 1 & 2, 15 & 16 October: ‘Festival’ of online sessions

Day 3, 17 October: In-person and online event, followed by the Social Value Awards ceremony in the evening

With the first two days hosted online, the in-person, day-long event on 17 October will be held at The Eastside Rooms in Birmingham, UK, with the Social Value Awards ceremony held at the same location afterwards.

This year’s theme: Social Value in Action

The conference will build on the energy and thought leadership of last year’s event, taking the ‘Roadmap to Delivering a Social Value Economy’ to the next level under this year’s theme of ‘Social Value in Action’.

To find out more and to register your attendance click here.

About Sarah OBeirne

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