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Five key trends for future workplace design

The landscape of office spaces is set to undergo significant transformations, driven by evolving employee expectations and technological advancements.

Industry leader in office design enhancement and Studio Alliance member apoprojekt offers insights into the future of workplaces, emphasising the need for offices to become true “destinations” that rival the comfort of home.

Bjørn Polzin, Head of Planning at German firm, apoprojekt, predicts a shift towards more sustainable, nature-inspired, and employee-centric office designs.

“The office of 2025 will be more of a biophilic jungle than a space dominated by smart screens,” Polzin states, highlighting the growing importance of green elements in reducing stress and enhancing workplace enjoyment.

Polzin also notes a trend towards more fixed spaces for focused work, coupled with increased areas for collaboration and company culture building. He added: “Since the rise of home offices, it’s clear that most businesses need less space for workstations, but more for gatherings and fostering a sense of company identity.”

Key trends for 2025 office spaces include:

Sustainability Focus: A push towards CO2-neutral buildings, with an emphasis on renovating existing structures rather than new construction.

Biophilic Design: Incorporation of natural elements and materials to create calming, stress-reducing environments.

Flexible Connectivity: Stable and adaptable tech infrastructure to support various work modes.

Residential Comfort: High-quality, comfortable spaces that make coming to the office preferable to working from home.

Sensory-Rich Environments: Designs that appeal to multiple senses, enhancing the overall workplace experience.


About Sarah OBeirne

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