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Human to hybrid

Is hybrid coaching the future of learning and development? Mat Piaggi, Behavioural Scientist, CoachHub explores its potential

With 40 per cent of businesses in the UK now operating under a hybrid working model, organisations are increasingly exploring innovative approaches to employee learning and development. One concept gaining momentum is ‘hybrid coaching’, a combination of human coaches with the convenience and accessibility of AI-powered coaches. But what exactly is hybrid coaching, and could it truly be the future for professional development?


Hybrid coaching blends one-on-one digital coaching sessions led by human experts together with AI coaches. In between scheduled meetings, AI coaches can provide always-available suggestions, prompts, reminders, and learning materials personalised to each employee’s development needs. The human coach forms a deep and empathetic connection that enables them to ask thought-provoking questions, providing high-level strategic guidance, and ensures coaching is translating into meaningful behaviour changes.

By leveraging data and technology, we can achieve effective outcomes for coachees in hybrid coaching. This is because AI excels at rapidly processing data sets to identify patterns and deliver personalised insights. This powerful intersection of technology and human development can result in the creation of distinct, data-driven coaching plans tailored to each individual’s unique needs and learning styles.

The integration of AI with coaching and training expertise also plays an integral role in crafting truly personalised content like custom worksheets, videos, and other materials tailored to the needs of each employee. Using AI also enables continuous improvement through real-time feedback capabilities, quickly identifying areas where employees may be struggling.

Tapping into AI’s powerful personalisation and strategic intelligence can only complement human expertise, allowing coaches to deliver highly focused, impactful development tailored to both individual and organisational needs.


As promising as hybrid coaching may be, organisations must overcome certain challenges and scepticism to maximise its full potential. Some employees may question whether AI is a necessary component to coaching, compared to working with a human coach. Building trust amongst recipients regarding AI capabilities and properly framing their expectations is crucial. This is why organisations need to be clear about the objectives of integrating AI, and how it will enhance certain roles. This means ensuring that employees are involved in any discussions around AI practices to reinforce this trust and encourage their acceptance in embracing new technologies.

As hybrid coaching becomes more prevalent, organisations should also carefully consider the ethical implications of using AI in employee development. This includes ensuring data privacy and maintaining transparency about AI usage. It’s crucial to establish clear policies governing the use of AI in coaching to protect employee rights and maintain trust.

One of the biggest challenges is in striking the right balance between AI and the irreplaceable human element. At its core, successful coaching combines empathy, emotional intelligence, and an authentic human connection. While AI chatbots can systematically follow processes, human coaches rely on intuition, emotional awareness, and the ability to sense unspoken needs. They can respond to emotions and build trust in ways AI currently cannot fully replicate.

That is why hybrid coaching is so important, by integrating AI’s strengths with essential human elements to unlock coaching’s transformative potential. Achieving this symmetry between technological acceleration and preserving authentic human connection will be vital for the future of impactful coaching that drives both individual and organisational growth.


The other advantage of utilising AI is that it can help streamline administrative tasks like automating reporting processes. This enables human coaches to devote their saved time and energy in providing more meaningful coaching and individualised support. With AI taking over personalisation and administrative burdens, human coaches can focus on what they do best – using their expertise to guide individuals towards achieving transformative growth. Establishing a powerful partnership between AI and human-centred digital coaching offers the ability to deliver high quality and customised development programmes which suit individual needs.

Real-time feedback powered by AI can also be used in employee coaching. Advanced algorithms analyse an employee’s communication patterns, decision making processes, and interactions as they occur. This immediate insight allows employees to make on-the-spot adjustments to their approach, accelerating the learning process, and helping employees develop and refine their skills more efficiently.

Hybrid coaching represents a significant leap forward in learning and development. By blending the irreplaceable guidance and expertise of human coaches with the constant availability of AI chatbots, this new approach offers the best of both worlds. It is redefining what is possible in employee development, and ensuring the workforce is not just highly skilled, but forward-thinking and adaptable.

About Sarah OBeirne

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