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Looking to lower your organisation’s energy consumption this year?

Use Zurich insite to identify wasted energy and unlock operational savings

Are your building’s systems working against each other?

Whether it’s invisible off-hours operation, faulty boilers or an ineffective climate control system, buildings can be full of hidden energy drains. However, rooting out these inefficiencies can be a challenge without the right tools.

That’s where Zurich insite comes in. An all-in-one solution that enables Facilities and Risk Managers to identify, monitor and remove these invisible budget drainers – helping you to do more with less.

Did you know many organisations face operational expenses of over 20% of overall spend?*
*The State of Organisations, McKinsey, 2023.

Identify financial opportunities hidden within your building

Through its suite of onboard sensors and compatibility with a wide variety of monitoring systems, the Zurich insite observer device enables you to gather rich, clear data on building performance. This raw information is then collated, analysed and presented within a real-time dashboard – so you can start tackling inefficiencies.

Move towards your ESG goals

Optimising your building’s performance to eliminate energy wastage is a powerful step towards hitting your organisation’s ESG targets. Whether it’s an overactive air conditioning unit or an underperforming ventilation system, your building could be holding you back.

Zurich insite helps you identify what aspects of your environmental footprint can be optimised.

Winner of the European Risk Management award 2023

Zurich insite won the “Technology Innovation of the Year” award at the European Risk Management Awards 2023.

Case Study: Facilities Management in Schools

Energy use reduced by 25% in the first year of monitoring.

Insights Generated

● Mechanical systems were running inefficiently due to previously unknown off-hours operation.
○ Elimination of off-hours operation helped to reduce unnecessary spend.
● Domestic hot water operating temperature was running at potentially unsafe temperatures.
○ Temperature reduced from 90 degrees to 70 degrees, helping reduce risk of personal injury claims.

Case Study: Conference Facility

Reduction in energy usage saved £80,000 per annum, disruptive noise eliminated.

Insights Generated

● Changes in the facilities’ temperature were causing the climate control system to regularly switch mode of operation.
○ Maintaining a constant temperature eliminated this noise-polluting inefficiency.
● The building’s lack of a central control and management system was delivering highly inefficient energy usage
○ Insight generated helped save over £80,000 per annum

Visit https://www.zurich.co.uk/business/insite to get your Solution Guide and discover how other organisations have used Zurich insite to effectively manage and mitigate risk.

For further information visit www.zurich.co.uk/business/our-expertise/zurich-resilience-solutions, email zrs.enquiries@uk.zurich.com or call 0121 697 9131.


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About Sarah OBeirne

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