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NHSPS launches new Green Plan to reach net zero by 2040

NHS Property Services (NHSPS) has unveiled its new Green Plan, a comprehensive three-year strategy aimed at reducing the environmental impact of NHS facilities and progressing towards a net zero carbon future by 2040.

The initiative aligns with the broader NHS goals of creating smarter, greener, and more efficient healthcare facilities that enable excellent and sustainable patient care.

Achievements of the previous Green Plan

Since the launch of the last Green Plan in 2022, NHSPS has made significant strides in sustainability, including:

  • A 48 per cent reduction in carbon emissions since the 2017/18 baseline.
  • £47.8 million saved on energy and utilities since 2022/23.
  • Completion of 960 sustainability-related projects, including LED lighting upgrades, BMS optimisation, and Solar PV installations.
  • Flood risk assessments at 16 high-risk climate adaptation pilot sites.
  • Reduction of customer carbon emissions through the NHSE clinical waste strategy.

Focus areas of the new Green Plan

The new Green Plan focuses on four key areas, each of which has specific goals, steps, and measures to ensure progress.

  • Energy: The goal is to achieve Net Zero Carbon by 2040. To measure progress, the key performance indicator (KPI) is to complete 90 decarbonisation projects over the next three years. The strategy to achieve this involves implementing a comprehensive Net Zero Carbon Strategy, which focuses on reducing emissions at the top 100 emitting sites, supporting zero emissions transport, and enhancing energy efficiency. This commitment is demonstrated through initiatives such as piloting a toolkit with GPs to save energy in their practices.
  • Utilities and Data: The goal is to help NHSPS colleagues and customers use data to reduce utilities costs, carbon emissions, and environmental impact. To measure progress, the KPI is to double the amount of data accessible to customers. The strategy to achieve this involves improving carbon reporting, enhancing data sharing, and providing analysis to help stakeholders reduce their environmental impact.
  • Environment: The goal is to continuously improve environmental impact and meet compliance obligations. To measure progress, the KPI is to complete audits at 132 higher-risk sites. The strategy to achieve this involves embedding processes to improve climate resilience, boost biodiversity, and develop sustainable travel and buying strategies.
  • Waste: The goal is to reach the NHS England waste segregation target of 20 per cent incineration, 20 per cent infectious waste, and 60 per cent offensive waste. To measure progress, the KPI is to achieve a 50 per cent reduction in carbon emissions from waste management by 2026. The strategy to achieve this involves aligning services with the NHS clinical waste strategy, implementing correct waste streams, and increasing waste segregation to reduce costs and lower carbon emissions.

Cameron Hawkins, Head of Energy and Environment, said: “We are really proud of what the previous Green Plan delivered, from the 48 per cent reduction in carbon emissions to the £47.8 million we saved on energy. We are now even more ambitious to contribute towards a net zero NHS with a smarter, greener and more efficient estate.” 

About Sarah OBeirne

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