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Pest management manifesto


Currently there are renters and homeowners living with entirely preventable pest infestations that are making them ill. FMs with large housing complexes or social housing within their remit will be aware of the issues pest infestations can bring, and the distress, disease and destruction they can cause.

There is currently no national standard for protecting homes from pest ingress. By developing a PestSafe scheme with a unified standard for pest management practices in dwellings, renters would have a clear route to proactively keeping their homes pest-free.

The scheme would need to be mandatory for landlords and social housing, and aims to alleviate issues caused by lack of understanding around pest risks in a property as well as slow action on repairs or inadequate waste management.

The objective is to ensure that everyone can live in environments free from the threats posed by pests, which include disease transmission, property destruction, and emotional distress.


BPCA is calling on government to reassess the post-Brexit GB Biocidal Products Regulation fee structure to ensure new and existing pest management products are available to protect public health.

Manufacturers of the niche professional public health pesticides that have a limited UK market are effectively paying twice to supply the same product to the EU and GB post-Brexit.

As the GB BPR costs a similar amount to EU REACH, these companies are not only paying twice, but paying the same for a much smaller market

This is increasingly important as pest professionals often create an Integrated Pest Management Plan as part of an on-going contract to prevent pest ingress or to tackle an infestation.

An IPMP may combine different physical and chemical control methods and deterrents, with multiple techniques and tools used to protect businesses and homes.


BPCA members are endorsed by the government’s Trustmark scheme and BPCA’s manifesto calls for all government-controlled estates to choose a TrustMark registered pest management company, wherever possible.

TrustMark demonstrates a commitment to quality and reliability in pest management services, promoting trust and confidence among consumers.


Because the BPCA represents the majority of pest management work carried out in the UK, by advocating for elevated standards and professionalism in the industry it aims to safeguard public health, promote consumer confidence, and ensure effective pest management practices.

The Association’s overarching aim is to professionalise the industry, emphasising the vital role of pest professionals in public health management.

By working collaboratively, BPCA’s member community strives to create safer and healthier communities – free from the threats posed by pests.

BPCA’s manifesto also contains briefing documents, policy recommendations, and key stats designed to introduce politicians, civil servants, and stakeholders to pest management.

Andrew added: “Our manifesto is the culmination of many months of work. Our member volunteers were asked: What should our ‘key asks’ be of the next government?

“This was the foundation of the manifesto, which sets out four policy areas for protecting people from the disease, destruction, and distress pests can cause.

“The key points champion the professionalism of BPCA members and protect the toolkit of the entire sector.

“Together with our members, we created this policy document to get politicians to engage with pest management in order to help us to continue to protect businesses, homes and public health and safety.”

To find a BPCA member visit: bpca.org.uk/find.

About Sarah OBeirne

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