Home / Hygiene / Sick and tired of unhygienic lids? Introducing LID Boss, the touchless lid dispenser

Sick and tired of unhygienic lids? Introducing LID Boss, the touchless lid dispenser

Everywhere we go we cover our cup with a lid, coffee shops, convenience stores, cafeterias, hotels, quick-service restaurants, and health care facilities.

Every cup has a lid to cover it. But have you ever thought about the cleanliness of that lid? We find them stacked and racked and we assume they are clean, germ & bacteria free. Maybe not a good assumption. Staff have to manage the stacked lids – were their hands clean? Lids can be tricky to handle, customers before you mostly likely had their hands on your lid – were their hands clean?

With LID Boss, lids are fully contained and untouchable, until you wave your hand.

With that wave, a single clean lid is dispensed, removing the chance for contamination.

Find out how to get LID Boss at your site by emailing info@lidboss.co.uk



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About Sarah OBeirne

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