Home / drainage / Success tastes sweet as UK sewer cleaning leader Lanes marks 30th anniversary

Success tastes sweet as UK sewer cleaning leader Lanes marks 30th anniversary

Happy 30th Anniversary – Lanes Group Chief Executive Wayne Earnshaw cuts jet vac tanker cake at Manchester HQ

Lanes Group plc Chief Executive Wayne Earnshaw has marked the 30th anniversary of the company his father founded by making the first cut in a cake shaped like a jet vac tanker at the company’s Greater Manchester HQ.

The UK’s largest independent drainage and wastewater specialist operates hundreds of the specialist vehicles that can clean sewers and suck up waste for safe disposal.

So it was perfectly apt that the cake baked to mark the 30th anniversary looked like a mini version of the eye-catching pink and white tanker lorries that have become an increasingly common sight on roads across the UK.

Slices of the chocolate cake – made by East Lancashire professional baker Molly Robbins, former star of Channel 4’s Extreme Cake Makers – later made tasty treats for colleagues at the Lanes Manchester depot and HQ offices.

Wayne Earnshaw said: “We’re proud of what Lanes has achieved over the last three decades, delivering drainage services on behalf of many water companies, tens of thousands of businesses and millions of people.

“Over the years, those services have been delivered by many thousands of dedicated and highly professional people, including our current teams. So we will be celebrating their contributions over the rest of 2022.”

Wayne Earnshaw’s father, Allan Earnshaw, and Graham Tattershall triggered the company’s rapid development when they bought Lanes for Drains from its founder, John Lane, on 21st April 1992.

What began as drainage company with one depot in Leeds, West Yorkshire, has since grown rapidly to operate more than 35 service depots and utility hubs, and a turnover of over £300million.

Lanes is now one of the UK’s largest wastewater maintenance service providers. Clients include Thames Water, Severn Trent, Yorkshire Water, Scottish Water, Dwr Cymru Welsh Water, and Northumbrian Water.

In 2020, the company launched its latest business venture, setting up Lanes Infrastructure to deliver excavation and ducting installation services for the broadband industry.

The Lanes-i launch has been a big success, with the business building a rapidly growing portfolio of contracts, aided by an innovative business model that combines digital operational systems with industry-leading safety and quality standards.

Lanes Group: www.lanesfordrains.co.uk


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About Sarah OBeirne

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