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Tag Archives: workplace

Safe hydration in 2021

The benefits of good hydration and its physical and mental health benefits has become one of the key drivers for employers. Coming out of the pandemic, the way we conduct ourselves in our everyday lives will undoubtedly have changed. Understandably ...

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The return to work: How FM can deliver a more hygienic workplace in the COVID-19 era

We are living in anxious times. People, who may have been working from home for months during the pandemic, are understandably nervous about going back to the office. But companies can help to steady those nerves by ensuring their staff ...

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The wheel’s turning

Ann Clarke, Director of The Future Workplace at nationwide workplace consultancy and interior design business Claremont, suggests the Hub and Spoke office could be the future of the workplace Just over a year ago – the world wondered if the ...

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Enhance the perception of clean with premises that smell great

Act now: Ensure your investment in reopening creates a positive experience for your staff and visitors Now that there is a roadmap for coming out of lockdown, Facilities Managers need to ensure that premises are not only clean and safe, ...

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Virtual reality

One of COVID-19’s most significant legacies will be the reimagining of our collective experience of work – starting with the relationship between the digital and physical workplace. Helen Strother interviewed an interior design and a communications expert to find out ...

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FM Clinic: Workplace dining in the ‘new normal’

With the gradual return of staff to the workplace, in-house catering facilities which have been on hiatus during the lockdown can begin to ramp back up. But with the situation still being far from normal, how can caterers and their ...

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Clean and clear

As more of us prepare to return to the workplace, cleaning specialists offer advice on the steps FMs should take to help ensure their premises remain clean and infection free The Government has now confirmed that many businesses – such ...

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SOCOTEC develops ‘Business Ready’ programme to ensure safe business recovery after COVID-19

SOCOTEC has developed ‘Business Ready’, a new initiative designed to help organisations prepare as they resume operations in the wake of the Coronavirus pandemic. With many businesses and their facilities placed on pause following the COVID-19 outbreak, SOCOTEC has developed ...

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Changing ideas

Think differently was the overriding message of the Workplace Trends Climate Change and The Workplace: Towards Net Zero Carbon event. Andrew Brown one of the chairs of the day reports As the Government is often keen on telling us: we ...

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Ill prepared

Julie Provino, international HR expert and CEO and founder of HR consultancy VeryHR[i] offers some essential advice on how your business should prepare for the Coronavirus. The Coronavirus outbreak has already caused significant disruption and is spreading rapidly across China ...

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