Home / digital transformation / Two-thirds of businesses have not yet digitised their visitor management

Two-thirds of businesses have not yet digitised their visitor management

While visitor management is more complicated than ever for businesses in the UK, a new a survey by Crown Records Management, a national digital transformation expert, has shown that two-thirds have not yet digitised the process.

Businesses and employees have shown resilience as they have adjusted to hybrid working. However, the pressure to gather increasingly detailed visitor data, including in some cases Covid or vaccination status, remains as companies consider how best to make employees feel safe in the workplace.

The survey conducted by Crown Records Management suggests many businesses are either unable to cope with the data or not ready to manage it. Key findings showed:

  • Only 34 per cent of businesses said their visitor management process has been digitised
  • This figure was even lower in the FM sector at 16 per cent and in the legal sector at 32 per cent – but higher in healthcare (40 per cent) and retail (42 per cent).
  • 20 per cent of businesses identified visitor management as an area of the business which would most benefit from digital transformation. This figure was higher in retail, at 32 per cent, and in healthcare at 28 per cent.

Antony Biondi, Head of ECM at Crown Records Management, said: “Visitor management is increasingly a big topic for businesses across almost all sectors, so these figures are worrying.

“The need to collect more data than ever before is a challenge and, despite the easing of restrictions, it shows no sign of slowing down.

“Companies which are still relying on a paper trail, such as visitor sign-in sheets, will soon find themselves overwhelmed and unable to run reports on visitors or track visitor access. They may also run into problems when asked to provide information when it is needed to protect both visitors and employees.”

The situation has the potential for further complications as the Government eyes its options for controlling the pandemic over the winter months.

Biondi added: “It will be interesting to see if ideas like proof of double vaccination are also the direction of travel for the workplace, because it adds another level to visitor information.

“The good news is that digitised systems and visitor management software are available which can save time, transform the visitor experience and protect businesses against data threats.

“It’s clear from our survey results that many companies have put off investing in digital solutions, perhaps prioritising other areas of the business. As offices keep up with a changing landscape, it is important that visitor management rises up the agenda.”

Last-mile customer engagement isn’t out of reach

“Customer engagement” has become a buzzword in the facilities management sector. Typically, it’s talked about as something radical and transformative – which can make it sound expensive, intimidating and overwhelming.

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About Sarah OBeirne

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