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Visible difference

Kevin Brown, Managing Director at The Heritage Window Company takes a look at some of the most futuristic window cleaning technology available for retail, hospitality or office windows

First impressions count, especially for businesses operating in the hospitality and leisure sectors that have a very short space of time to make an impression. Nothing quite detracts from the look of a business, like dirty windows; the lack of care on the outside can send a clear signal to consumers that the insides see the same level of care, when in reality, this is unlikely to be the truth.

Thankfully, recent years have seen huge technological advances in window cleaning technology, and there’s a vast range of new tech that can help keep windows clean without the effort. From autonomous robot cleaners to drones and nanotechnology, there’s plenty of new technology on the market.

Pure water: To get cleaner windows, reduce your use of cleaning compounds and use less water in the process, use pure water for your windows. Many modern window cleaners are using pure water cleaning systems, which filter standard tap water into pure H20, leaving your windows looking cleaner than ever. This allows you to enjoy cleaner windows without using cleaning compounds, limiting your impact on the planet.

Exterior window cleaning drones: Window cleaning drones are here and are already being used for high-rise offices and awkwardly shaped buildings where human intervention might be dangerous, and they’re already making it easy to clean hard-to-reach windows, as these remote-controlled cleaners can be safely operated without even going outside.

Interior window cleaning robots: Drones might be able to tackle the outside of windows, but if you’re looking for a schedule-and-forget solution to cleaning workspace windows from the inside, you might need a personal robot. These robots attach themselves to the inside of the window with super-strong suction and are programmed to take the most efficient path for maximum cleanliness.

Magnetic window cleaning: One of the cheaper – but just as practical – developments in window-cleaning tech is the rise of the magnetic window cleaner. Just pop one half of the magnetic cleaner on the outside of the window and the other half on the inside, and you’ll be able to clean both sides without having to venture outside at all. The magnetic window cleaners of yesteryear fell firmly into the “gimmicky” category, tending to fail when confronted by modern double glazing. However, with stronger magnets and better-quality cleaning pads, you can rely on today’s versions to leave your windows with a great finish. This is especially useful for tall office blocks which would typically require specialist equipment to reach windows on higher floors.

Nanotech cleaners: The use of nanotechnology is a great way to reduce the frequency with which you have to clean your windows. These types of cleaners utilise nanoparticles, which not only dissolve the dirt on your windows, but also “heal” the glass after cleaning it, forming a protective coating which negates the need for more regular cleaning.

Pressure washing: When dealing with tough dirt in the corners of your windows, you might be hesitant to apply a power washer to your window, but the control and flexibility provided by newer pressure washers means that you can tackle tough dirt that’s been baked hard by exposure to the hot sun.

Pressure washing is particularly suited to newer, more robust window frames such as aluminium windows or vinyl windows. Try and avoid pressure washing older wooden window frames, the power of the pressure washer could warp your window frames and irreparably damage seals and paintwork.”


Since today’s window cleaning technology probably sounds incredibly far-fetched to those living even 100 years ago, we asked AI chatbot ChatGPT to imagine what window cleaning technology might look like in the future. Here are some highlights:

Self-cleaning glass: Windows themselves might be made of smart materials that can repel dirt and contaminants.

Augmented Reality (AR) Systems: AR could be integrated into window cleaning systems, allowing technicians to visualise dirt and contaminants through smart glasses.

Solar-Powered Cleaning: Windows could harness solar energy to power embedded cleaning mechanisms.

I’m not sure whether augmented reality would make window cleaning any easier, but if it’s helping us optimise the cleaning process, I’m all for it. But what these technologies show is that the window cleaning sector has made some great technological strides in recent years, and is showing no signs of slowing down. It’s been great to see how modern advancements have been helping make life easier for homeowners, businesses and window cleaners alike.

About Sarah OBeirne

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