Flexible and hybrid work arrangements are no longer an exception, but rather common practice, which means FMs must meet the challenge of supporting the needs of both in person and remote workers.
How to manage this balancing act was the question asked in the recent FMJ webinar with Matrix Booking: Flexible working: how Facilities Managers can create the perfect balance.
The panel, which comprised Matt Bailey of Matrix Booking, Mark Griffiths, the Chair of Judges for the IWFM Impact Awards, FM Wayne Young from the FMJ editorial steering committee and Workspace Consultant Hans Nyamie, discussed how digital solutions can not only aide this transition but present FMs with the opportunity to make a real difference.
The discussion revolved around the benefits of digital solutions, from room booking software to apps which enable occupants to pre-book workstations. Panelists also agreed that it was crucial to encourage collaboration between all stakeholders, including FM, HR, CRE and IT to make sure that the solutions are fully integrated.
The panel concluded that ensuring buy in from occupants is essential to guarantee the best results on which is why it is essential digital solutions are intuitive and accessible to end users.