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Webinar: Using AI learning to improve frontline staff engagement

FMJ recently held a Webinar in partnership with frontline training platform Lingio to discuss how frontline workers, such as cleaners, security and maintenance staff can be better supported in their jobs with the use of digital tech.

The panel, which comprised Yashar Moradbakhti, CEO Lingio, Clare Montgomery, Head of People Data & Analytics at ISS UK and Jade Collazo, Human Resources Director, Cleanology discussed the issues with Sara Bean, Editor FMJ in a lively session.

The pundits reflected on Lingo’s findings that 75 per cent of employers struggle with scheduling training time for their workers which understandably results in skills challenges, communication issues and low employee retention.

During the discussion Clare Montgomery shared some of the ways the large services provider deals with the challenges of communicating with frontline workers while Jade Collazo from Cleanology described the SME’s positive ways of engaging with its fleet of cleaners.

The Webinar drew on Yashar Moradbakhti’s expertise in AI to discover which solutions are best applied to help address service performance and the panel concluded that digital tech is an ideal way to maintain close communications with ‘deskless’ workers, which enhance the experiences of these valuable frontline staff.

To listen to the Webinar click here

About Sarah OBeirne

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