20 MAY 2020
In FMJ's regular monthly column, our team of FM experts answer your
questions about the world of facilities management
Before the Coronavirus
crisis, the FM sector was
very healthy, having posted
strong growth for years.
But, like the rest of the
economy it will struggle
to recover from the e ects
of the pandemic and the
Government’s lockdown.
One of the biggest threats
to this recovery are
the Government’s new
immigration rules, which
could come into e ect a er
December 31st.
If implemented, they would cut o the supply of
lower skilled migrant workers that some parts
of the FM business depend, dealing those
businesses a second blow within months.
These new rules would a ect tens of
thousands of people within the FM sector and
in particular cleaning operatives, security and
catering sta , porters and many others. It will
be extremely di icult and highly unlikely that
we will be able to replace all these workers
from UK-based citizens, with the result being
that roles will remain unfilled or pay rates will
have to be increased, which in turn will raise costs
and put pressure on businesses and building owners.
To mitigate these costs business will look to
reschedule tasks and prioritise and, ultimately, review the
number of sta . FM contract organisations will once again
have pressure applied to their
margins and in this sector,
margins are so low that they
will not withstand any other
reductions in percentage
returns. Most will resist and
reshape but it is inevitable that
some could gamble with lower
margins for revenue growth and will
put themselves at risk of following the
‘Carillion’ route.
If roles do remain unfilled then services and
standards will fall and the health and safety of people
will be compromised. The irony that we are asking lower skilled
migrant sta to significantly assist in helping us to battle against
the current Coronavirus concern whilst accepting that they
would potentially not be allowed entry in 2021 if the current
plans go ahead, should not be lost on everyone and especially
within Government.
Unhygienic buildings, poor food standards and lower security
standards could be the result and we fear for the future of FM.
And in respect of our visitors, grubby hotels, could, in turn,
discourage tourists from visiting the UK. The British Cleaning
Council is very concerned. Over the coming months, we’ll be
talking with our partners within the FM sector and representing
the voice of the industry to Government and doing our utmost
to make sure the professionalism and high standards of the FM
sector is not undermined by these plans.
We will combine to force the Government to rethink their
immigration strategy. We do not want to see low wages, but
we do want to encourage the raising of skills in the sector and
the creation of more opportunities for people to prosper and
grow. To do this we do need to have the facility for low entry
particularly in the skills side. We can then focus on the
development of our people to ensure we have an
abundance of the supervisors and managers
for the next generation. Without a rethink
certain parts of the FM sector will certainly
struggle going forward.
We live in extraordinary times. The enormity
of the economic ramifications of COVID-19
(coronavirus) are yet to be understood. Markets,
not least labour markets, are at its mercy. Adjusting to the
‘new normal’ – whatever that is - in the short and longer term
The Government and
other party leaders have
praised the contribution
that cleaners and other
low paid workers such as
security guards are playing
in helping to tackle the
Coronavirus. But there is yet
no indication how FM suppliers
will maintain sta ing levels in
the long term if plans regarding
immigration go forward. Once we emerge
from this crisis what can the FM industry do to retain
and recruit operational sta ?
Paul Thrupp
Unhygienic buildings, poor
food standards and lower
security standards could be the
result and we fear for the future of FM.
And in respect of our visitors, grubby
hotels, could, in turn, discourage
tourists from visiting the UK.”
– Paul Thrupp