24 JUNE 2020
The Quadram Institute(iii), a landmark
healthcare research facility in the heart
of Norwich’s science park(iv), brings three
very di erent and unique healthcare and
research organisations under one roof.
This created a number of challenges for the
design and facilities management teams. It
was fundamental to strike the right balance
between designing a space used by multiple
organisations and creating a facilities
infrastructure suitable for all.
The first of its kind in Europe, the £75 million
Quadram Institute provides a space that
encourages greater collaboration between three
resident organisations – the former Institute
of Food Research (now Quadram Institute
Bioscience), research departments from the
University of East Anglia(v) and the Norfolk &
Norwich University Hospital (NNUH) endoscopy
department(vi) – while providing state-of-the
art facilities for NHS patients. The project was
designed by a team led by international science
and healthcare design architects NBBJ and
integrated engineering consultancy Buro Happold.
The 14,000m building is home to 300
researchers exploring the relationship between
Designing and managing a building with collaboration at its heart has
been key to the success of a landmark healthcare research facility.
Richard Walder, Sector Director of Science and Technology (UK) at
Buro Happold(i) and Nora Claudio Familiar, Project Architect at NBBJ(ii),
explain how it was achieved through building design