JUNE 2020 43
Three Square Market (32M) is a global
provider for self-pay solutions,
specialising in micro-markets. A micromarket
is a fully unattended self-pay store
that operates 24-hours a day, 365 days a year,
a convenience-style marketplace o ering
individuals endless options when it comes to
food and beverages and everyday needs.
Patrons will take their item from the shelf/cooler,
scan them at the kiosk checkout, and finalise
their payment. This allows users to purchase
multiple items at once while being able to read the
nutritional information. A micro-market will o er
quick, easy access to the items a person needs
throughout the day when it is most convenient.
Micro-markets have been installed in over 22,000
locations throughout the United States. The UK and
Europe have slowly been adopting these markets
to replace or complement both vending
machines and traditional canteen services.
A micro-market can o er fresh food, fruit,
vegetables, snacks, and beverages. Markets
do not require any human-to-human contact
as all items are scanned and paid for at the
kiosk by the customer. With 32M, customers
are not limited to kiosk only payments, but
have the option of mobile app purchases as
well, providing a truly touch-free experience.
Micro-markets o er convenient, flexible,
and versatile cabinetry to optimise space,
arrangement, and branding. A branded
micro-market fits into your aesthetics and
will give your business
an incredible perk
within the workplace to
enticing outside talent
and keeping your existing
employees happy.
Problems a Micro
Market Solves
Many people perceive they
have a lack of time to eat while
on the job. A micro-market
o ers a plethora of snacks,
beverage, and fresh meal
options all in a convenient
grab-and-go style, 24/7 during
the workday for any and all
shi s.
Statistics show 83 per cent of consumers snack
on a daily basis. A micro-market can include fresh,
healthy, on-site snack options for your employees.
By focusing on the health of employees you can
increase performance and employee satisfaction.
Healthy workers get sick less, work more e iciently,
and have higher engagement levels. Additionally,
a micro-market can allow for all the new social
distancing needs.
In these times, most employees are going to be
more cautious about taking the typical lunch-time
break outside of the o ice. With a micro-market,
there is no need to leave work anymore to get their
various meal and snack options throughout the
day. Having access to a large array of micro-market
options lets employees know they’ll still have access
to similar foods on the high-street without having to
leave the o ice.
When comparing a micro-market to an onsite
cafeteria the cost-savings are pretty evident. A
cafeteria will require large upfront investments
for cooking equipment, walk-in coolers, washing
stations, grills, and more. Micro-markets also
don’t require any on-site sta as everything can be
managed remotely and accurately with the exclusive
Three Square Market so ware. An operator will
simply visit the site, as needed, to refill the shelves
and clean as necessary.
The 32M smart technology will carefully trace sales
and monitor the inventory in real-time. This same
inventory technology will keep notes of high selling
and low selling products and adjust what will need
to be kept on-hand products, ensuring the market
stays stocked appropriately at all times.
ConviStore by Northwest Vending