the deadline (colour-coded by urgency), access
the asset’s maintenance history, and submit
photos of asset condition via their mobile
Insight into how a business is performing
requires a strong foundation of data - essential
to any business, and never more so than with
employees working remotely, at di erent sites,
or self-isolating, which could lead to potential
knowledge gaps. CAFM makes information
centralised and accessible, especially when the
so ware is cloud-hosted, as users can securely
log in from any browser.
CAFM can automate work allocation in
order to improve work rectification time,
taking pressure o a busy and / or reduced
helpdesk team, many of whom may be
managing enhanced maintenance or cleaning
regimes in line with new COVID-19 risk
management strategies. Requests are analysed
and allocated by accounting for operative
skills, current workload, location (through GPS
tracking) and shi pattern, greatly reducing
the potential for a return visit or incomplete
tasks. The helpdesk can readily keep track of all
works across the site, seeing the progress for
each and those nearing the deadline in order
to keep the site functioning e ectively and
ensuring a safe workplace for those who
have returned.
Integrating CAFM with other systems can
deliver vast time savings and improved data
accuracy, helping improve service response
times and building cleanliness. As all integrated
systems securely share data, the need to
enter data multiple times is removed, such as
logging faults, updating contractor information
or finance / purchase order details. For
example, problems identified by the building
management system (BMS) are relayed directly
to the CAFM system, automatically creating a
job and allocating an operative – all without
human intervention and likely before a
problem or breakage occurs, meaning it’s also
o en easier and quicker to service.
For many businesses, cleaning regimes will
have been increased in order to mitigate
COVID risk. Using CAFM, cleaning schedules
can be readily created to cover whole areas
like a site or a floor, or narrowed down to an
individual room, rather than creating a series
of individual jobs. Digital forms and checklists
can be attached to the schedules and pushed
out to the operative with each job, ensuring
important information is read and standards
remain high throughout the facility. This could
be an agreement to the site’s COVID-19 policy,
a checklist of items for completion, or a COSHH
sheet for strong cleaning chemicals.
34 OCTOBER 2020
Working with a BIM model integrated with
a CAFM system provides the next level in
facilities management, allowing FMs to view
an accurate image of an entire building and
access all the data within. The model can be
zoomed in at any point to show the required
detail, such as revealing any access issues to
an asset, permits required, measurements,
materials, manuals, health and safety
guidelines, and even part serial numbers.
This gives the team all the information
required to assess the work and ensure they
are fully prepared to complete the works in
one go, eliminating the need for unnecessary
site visits – essential in the COVID-era when
access to sites may be limited.
Space planning / social distancing
A big part of COVID-19 prevention at
the workplace is social distancing.
Heatmaps highlight high footfall, showing
thoroughfares which encroach on desk and
workspaces. From this, strategic decisions
can be made on how to safely route
employees through the workspace. It can
also help identify space for new areas like
break rooms for the FM team shi , or a tea
station in an o ice to reduce tra ic to the
The current situation we find ourselves in has
brought FM to the fore, becoming the catalyst
in making workplaces safe and e icient.
Since day one of lockdown, FM professionals
across the globe have played a key role
in keeping buildings running smoothly in
a reduced ‘mothball’ capacity, as well as
ensuring the safety and wellbeing of sta ,
cleaners and contractors.
Even in lockdown, a CAFM / IWMS solution
has assisted with remote working and
mobile processes for maintaining business
continuity. They have supported FM teams
both vertically (for service providers and
internal teams) and horizontally (on-site
and o -site users across multiple regions)
delivering crucial services and achieving
compliance with government pandemic
prevention guidelines.
A CAFM / IWMS system with a ‘contactless
first’ approach provides a range of
advantages by:
Maximising the e ectiveness of contractor
visits and providing you with real-time
updates on the status of your tasks.
Ensuring that only qualified and validated
personnel carry out work.
Managing contact risk by allowing
contractors to use their own devices to
confirm proof of attendance, all controlled
by geo-fencing technology.
For the vital cleaning service required in the
workplace, a CAFM / IWMS system includes:
Contactless checkpoints for your cleaning
operatives to receive tasks.
Providing safe routes to minimise physical
Maximising the e ectiveness of cleaning
What is obvious now is the basic but
fundamental requirement to keep everyone
safe and secure in the working environment,
be they sta or operatives. Engagement with
the workforce is key, and they must be able to
raise their concerns both before and during a
return to the workplace. This feeling of safety
and confidence will lead to an increase in
wellbeing and mindfulness, as we all know
2020 has taken its toll.
For those returning to the workplace,
basic and regular o ice routines now take
on extra importance. To raise workforce
confidence, provide them with the tools
to check availability and book time slots
for their personal use of facilities, to avoid
congregating. Assuring and addressing
the wellbeing of an employee, providing
regular information around the constant
safety improvements being carried out, and
providing live updates of the environmental
status of a facility will be the key factors in
bringing the workforce back to the workplace.
With a new layer of guidelines and processes
added to their standard operating procedures,
FMs will rely on a CAFM / IWMS solution more
than ever to support the workplace and
workforce. The FM industry can evolve out
of the pandemic through the use of modern
technology and approaches.
FM is now o icially classed as an essential
service across the globe, with the realisation
of just how much e ect is required. And the
technology that was previously considered
too excessive is vital for emerging out of the
other side of this pandemic.