Members of the FMJ Editorial Steering Committee discuss the results of our FM survey on
how workplace strategies, including sustainability, wellbeing and compliance have been
impacted by the Coronavirus crisis
Since the pandemic hit, facilities managers have played a pivotal role in
keeping organisations going. In healthcare they’ve deployed operatives to
work at the front line, maintained educational and retail facilities, supported
home-based o ice sta and prepared workplaces for reoccupation. We wanted
to know how our readers were navigating the crisis, so in partnership with
Informa, the organisers of Facilities Show, we conducted a poll to help create
a snapshot of FM practice during COVID-19. Respondents comprised mostly
in-house FMs, followed by those working for services providers.
What are your current working arrangements?
Mix of home/o ice 37.39%
Working in o ice 24.93%
Working from home 24.64%
Flexible/agile 7.83%
Other o ices (incuding cients, partners,
suppliers or serviced o ices) 3.77%
Furloughed 1.45%
The majority were both home and o ice based (38
per cent) with a quarter working exclusively from
home and a quarter mainly o ice based. These
figures were reflected in arrangements for sta , with
nearly half introducing a hybrid home/o ice work
We presented the results to members of FMJ’s
Editorial Steering Committee to get their views on
the findings and what they think it could mean for
facilities managers going into 2021. When asked
how they were organising their own working
arrangements, it emerged that all of the panel
members, who represent a wide range of sectors (see
below) were following the hybrid model, with similar
arrangements being made for o ice-based sta .
What are your top priorities right now? (aside
from legislation compliance)