MAY 2021 53
As we progress through the government's
'roadmap' out of lockdown in England,
businesses are preparing for a safe return to
the o ice. Have you taken all the necessary
precautions to protect your sta and visitors to
your buildings?
To make life easier, workplace expert DURABLE
have put together some tips for preparing your
sites for the return of the workforce and highlighted
solutions to help you achieve this.
Hands, Face, space continues to be the public
health campaign across England and the UK, so
the first step to achieve this is to provide sanitising
Washing and sanitising hands regularly and
thoroughly is really important, especially when
people are working in close proximity and using the
same shared spaces.
Placing hand sanitiser in entrances, communal
areas and around shared desk spaces where several
people are active can
help prevent the spread
of germs.
dispensers with signs
provide a constant
reminder about good
hygiene practices,
and ideally choose a
dispenser with a lever
arm, which can be used
more hygienically with
forearms and elbows.
Face coverings are also
essential to keep sta¢
and visitors safe and are
now mandatory in many
public buildings and spaces. Many people are looking
forward to spending some time in the o¢ ice with their
colleagues in order to have those valuable face-toface
conversations or quick corridor catch ups.
To encourage safe interaction between sta¢ , ensure
everyone is wearing a face mask.
Transparent face shields are an alternative where
it is important to show facial expressions or useful to
speak more freely. Choose a CE certified Face Visor to
ensure it meets safety regulations.
Creating space is easy using floor markings and
professional signage. Placing markings on the floor
helps people to judge distances more accurately and
enables visitors to follow a one-way system if you
have one in place.
Markings can also be placed on chairs to highlight
that they are not in use (for this choose a removable
marking which can be easily removed at a later date).
Wall and floor-standing signage is also really
important. It is true when they say a picture
says more than a thousand words. It takes just
0.15 seconds for our brains to
decide whether what we see is
relevant. So straightforward and
professional signage delivers
important safety messages across
clearly. For example, define a
maximum number of people
permitted in each room and hang
a sign at the door indicating this
Choose signage which is easy to
install and reposition if needed.
Are you ready to reopen? Help
people get back to work safely
and download the DURABLE Back
to Work Checklist for free at 01202 897071