FM is known to be a career that people fall into
from other sectors. In this regular column, FMJ
chats to a facilities professional about how they got
into the sector and takes a look at their career path.
This month we talk to Hanna Barrett, Director of
Operations, Portico.
Name: Hanna Barrett
Current role:
Director of Operations,
Lives: London
What first attracted you to
working in FM, did you have much
awareness of the profession?
I applied for a job at a local airport and
began working at the check-in desk.
From there, I moved into a role as
cabin crew. I worked long hours with
a broader array of customers than in
virtually any other sector. I loved the
variety of work. A er five years in the
air, I saw an advert for a role at Portico.
The recruitment team hadn’t initially
been looking for a candidate with my
background. I’d never even worked in an
o ice or with a computer! But Portico
saw potential and o ered me the role.
I started with Portico as a receptionist
and worked my way up. I hadn’t been
intentionally moving towards FM but
I looked for roles that interested and
challenged me, and this is where that
outlook brought me.
How did you progress through
the profession to your current role?
My first role with Portico was as a
receptionist at a leading investment
bank. I moved into a senior reception
role, managing a team of eight
relatively quickly. From there, I became
a reception supervisor and my work
spanned the management of two
reception areas and implemented
procedures and standards. I was
in that role for almost two years
before deciding I was ready for a new
challenge. I had demonstrated that I
loved working with and training people,
and Portico wanted to make the most of
that! I became Assistant Client Services
Manager and Training Coordinator
before moving into the Head of Training
and Development role. I loved that role
and felt really comfortable so moving
on was scary. I applied for the senior
Operation Manager role and then the
Director, Operations role that I’m in now.
What have you found the most
challenging experiences working in
It’s important to understand that we’re
providing a service, not an o -the-shelf
product. It has to be tailored to the
client, and it needs to evolve with them.
That means that, ultimately, you can’t
win every contract or make everyone
recognise the di erence you can make
for them. Some people will always
overlook the service or ignore the
expertise. We have to remember that
the client will have preferences but will
also be busy and preoccupied with their
own work. We have to find a balance
between consulting them and making
informed choices. FM providers must
have confidence in their work. We are
agile, mobilise quickly, and adapt to any
situation. We are always learning and
improving as a team. I try to be humble
enough always to be open to learning
new things without letting that dampen
my confidence.
What have you found most
satisfying about working in the
Developing people. That’s a cheesy
answer, I know, but it’s the truth.
Working with enthusiastic and
motivated people is what motivates
me. It’s incredible to see people getting
promotions knowing that I was able
to help them. Listening to people and
guiding them provides amazing insights
into what they do, how and why. I see
people who want to grow and develop. I
get to have honest, open conversations
about the highs and lows of di erent
What qualities do you think are
most needed for a successful career
in FM?
There are so many roles in FM, and all
require di erent skills. But there are
some core elements. As I mentioned,
it’s ultimately about looking out for a
client or customer, even if you’re not
working with them face-to-face. People
skills, patience, and authenticity are
vital in any service position. You need
to be able to listen to and understand
someone else’s needs. FM sta also
need to be calm under pressure and
good at negotiating. We are experts in
our field, a er all. We need to have the
confidence to stand our ground and
o er advice on certain things. We can’t
back down over issues of compliance,
for example.
What has changed about your
job role since the COVID-19 crisis?
E.g. home working, furloughed,
I’m lucky enough to be able to work
from home. While I appreciate that, it’s
still not easy; I’m such a people person.
We have a lot of virtual meetings.
They have a very di erent feel from
in-person meetings, but they’ve made
it much easier to get hold of people.
Essential things are lost when working
online. You can’t get a good feel for the
emotion and atmosphere when it’s a
virtual room. Presentations are more
challenging because it’s di icult to judge
the reception. Not being onsite makes
things feel very distant. It makes you
feel disconnected from the work. You
learn so much informally, hear things
in passing about someone facing a
challenge or doing particularly well. All
those little things are important.
What is your organisation
doing to ensure the wellbeing of
sta – whether working at home or
returning to the workplace?
Wellbeing has been even more
important than ever. I hold regular
catch-up sessions with everyone I
manage. Resilience and wellbeing
training have been available
throughout the pandemic – both
for those on furlough and those
still working. We also have extra
patch meetings to keep everyone
feeling connected. We have our app,
Heartbeat, to connect everyone, share
news and updates, and o er tips on
wellbeing and self-care. Our priority is
to keep everyone safe.
Do you believe the pandemic
has highlighted the important role
of the FM sector and what areas do
you see as most key?
Hugely! FM has been right at the heart
of keeping people safe. We have been
agile, supportive, and demonstrated
our expertise. We put a lot of work into
being adaptable, considering what we
can do to accommodate client wants
and needs. During the lockdown, we
were all given government advice at
the same time – FMs and clients alike
– but as a service provider, we have to
be one step ahead. The pandemic has
also demonstrated the importance of
collaboration. The contracts that move
forward in challenging times are the
ones that unite the vision of the client
and the provider.
What advice would you give to
someone coming into the profession
Moving into FM showed me how
important it is to take opportunities
that present themselves. I wasn’t
confident that I would be selected
for my first role with Portico; I didn’t
have the traditional skillset. But I
brought people skills and passion, and
that made me stand out. Giving 100
percent of myself to what I was doing
opened doors. Be open to constant
learning and development. You have
to be conscious of your mindset. In
operations, you are constantly dealing
with opportunities, negatives, risks, and
pressure to deliver. Don’t allow that
pressure to create a negative mindset.
What do you predict could be the
main changes to the FM sector post
We are going to see a di erent balance
in the workforce. The working week
will look di erent for most people.
Guest services will change as a
result. Provisions will broaden, and
expectations will be higher. Floor
hosting roles will be really important
as we will be more focused on helping
individuals rather than just providing a
welcome service. People are also going
to be more conscious of their health
and wellbeing. We will need to support
and reassure people.
Would you, or someone you know, like to be featured in our career ladder column? If you’re an operational
FM with more than 10 years’ experience in the sector, then email sara.bean@kpmmedia.co.uk
58 MAY 2021