collaborative and trustworthy it needs its
employees to want to enjoy the environment
in which they spend most of their day.
That is not some HR fad, it is a business
requirement. So, following on from that, it
was a strategic decision to move sites and fit
out the new site, Bourne House at Staines, in
a manner that reinforced its values.
“It’s important to have a space that
encourages teamworking and that physically,
not just notionally, breaks down silos. So,
we have taken down almost all of the walls
in the space. Instead we have used planting
to create accents of nature to so en the
workplace,” says Carton. “But the main focus
was to create something beautiful.”
To help with the pursuit of that pure ideal,
IFS hired the design team from Area, Europe’s
leading workplace design and fit-out
specialist, to come up with original ideas and
then oversee the fit out of the 26,000 sq.
space. Design Director, Kathryn O’Callaghan-
Mills explains.
“From the outset our brief was to provide a
workplace that was going to be a sanctuary
for employees, relaxed and welcoming with a
boutique feel. That meant blending textures,
varying ceiling features and keeping each
zone connected: using a lot of natural light
and so furnishings as well as planting to
break down physical barriers and create a
variety of places to work for people either in
groups or on their own.”
At the root of the brief was a focus on
wellness. That meant prioritising the physical
and emotional wellbeing of anyone working
at Bourne House. One way to do that is
guaranteeing an allocated workstation for
anyone using the space more than three days
per week. Straight away that removed any
anxiety and reflected the nature of many of
the employees who o en have very focussed
“As a team, IFS & Area have created a
collaborative, flexible space for the 175
people predicted to use the building
alongside any
visitors. It was
a refreshingly
brave brief
that specified
wellbeing facilities
and a state-ofthe
art technology
As a team, IFS & Area have
created a collaborative, fl exible
space for the 175 people predicted to
use the building alongside any visitors.
It was a refreshingly brave brief that
specifi ed employee wellbeing facilities
and a state-of-the-art technology
solution at the core of
the workplace design.
IFS’ UK HQ is set across
a three-storey building with
the second floor accommodating
a gym, the prayer room and IT server
room, the first floor accommodating the
main working environment and the ground
floor being utilised for the client’s transient
workforce, client-facing facilities, a sta
restaurant and auditorium. The auditorium is
also used for team meet-ups and as an event
space for partner and customer events. IFS
previously used hotels for these functions,
by bringing this facility in house means that
they can o er a more personal experience by
welcoming guests and employees into their
own setting.” explains O’Callaghan-Mills.
As a globally connected business,
IFS have created a state-of-the-art
customer experience centre. The
floor to ceiling digital screens
and ability to channel content
globally creates a unique
experience space that is fully
“The IX Zone has been
designed from the perspective
of the user and their journey. You
enter through from the boardroom,
the ceiling height li ing to three
metres displaying exposed services
which strike a balance between warm and
welcoming and the ‘wow’ impact desired.
The tech vision from IFS blew me away, it
has been implemented in a timeless fashion
solution at the core of the
workplace design.”