Given that buildings have been empty or had very
low occupation for so long, the first step on any
winter maintenance agenda should be dedicated
to ensuring that all key systems and emergency
features, including emergency lighting, fire alarms,
extinguishers and emergency generators, are
working properly.
Winter maintenance should also prioritise
measures to eliminate any bacteria or settled
particulates that may have accumulated in water
systems and HVAC systems during the o ice
closure. For example, water outlets will all need
to be flushed and tap temperatures checked
to ensure they are still compliant. A full system
chlorination should also be considered for building
water systems that have had little or no use,
to reduce the risk of legionella. These systems
should also have their dosing levels checked and
water hygiene samples taken, to re-establish their
regular water treatment regimes. HVAC filters will
also need to be changed and air conditioning will
need to be run for at least 48 hours to reduce the
risk of airborne viruses.
As viruses can also be transmitted from
touching contaminated surfaces, businesses
should implement extensive cleaning measures
focused on sanitising key touchpoints, including
door handles, desks, co ee stations and meeting
As the days get shorter, businesses need to
carry out a thorough assessment of all lighting
inside and outside the building to ensure they
are working properly and that spaces are well
lit. Businesses looking to reduce their carbon
emissions can take this review a step further by
replacing fluorescent and halogen lights with LED.
Using LED lighting can improve energy e iciency,
reduce carbon emissions, and save money, which
are important considerations for businesses in the
current climate.
With temperatures likely to fall and create frost,
it’s important to keep gritting services on standby.
Icy weather can make your employees and
visitors slip and fall, so it’s important to be ready
to respond to those cold days. We all know that
the trademark of British weather is that it is very
changeable. Technology is a vital tool to ensuring
that businesses, particularly those with a national
footprint, can quickly respond to changes in the
forecast. Mitie’s ‘Go-Grit’ app allows customers
to manage their winter services from any mobile
device, 24/7. The app uses an interactive map
system which features all of the business’ sites,
tracks the local weather impact and flags highrisk
areas in real-time. The app also shows the
schedule of which sites are due to be gritted,
allowing businesses to cancel or add a new service
at the touch of a button.
By installing sensors throughout the building
This coming winter will present some exceptional challenges for FMs;
restarting sites after lockdown and maintaining them compliantly and
safely through the winter. The experts from Mitie and Adler and Allan
off er advice on preparing for a winter like no other