JUNE 2021 25
need to be remodelled and adjusted to
meet necessary safety measures so that
people feel safe and can be productive.
Concepts need to be developed to fulfil
these needs.
The Higher Pace: The way we work is
constantly evolving, many aspects of
which, such as new styles of leadership
and digitalisation, have been significantly
accelerated by the pandemic. Collaboration,
interaction and the purpose of work are
now at the forefront of the discussion and
will gain greater importance in the postpandemic
world of work.
The Big Stress Test: We are currently
experiencing the biggest stress test for
remote work and the home o ice. Even
the organisations that were reticent have
seen how agile working can be utilised for
the benefit of the business and employees.
However, the workspace is still a vital part
of the o ice landscape; from face-to-face
exchanges with colleagues, facilitating
idea generation, as well as developing and
maintaining strong corporate cultures.
“Meeting and communication zones
are becoming increasingly
important in the o ice,”
says Michael Fried,
Executive Board
for Sales,
Marketing &
at Bene.
“The o ice
gives space
for ideas and
It becomes
a motor for
innovation. The
focus is more on
teamwork and less on
individual work.”
Through the enormous wave of
digitisation it brought about, COVID-19 has
accelerated this process even more and
has significantly changed the requirements
we place on a modern o ice. This o ice
concept is intended to meet these current
and future requirements.
THE CORE can be experienced at the Bene
showroom in Frankfurt; o ering a live,
immersive and experiential space to study
how our places of work have adapted
and how they will further evolve a er the
pandemic. O ering a mix between open
spatial structure and shielded areas, THE
CORE manages the balancing act between
distance and teamwork so that people feel
comfortable and can work creatively at the
same time.
It comprises:
Hygiene concepts and sensor
technology: Innovative
technologies and smart
room solutions ensure
safety throughout the
premises. This starts
at the check-in area
with temperature
screening and
registering for ‘track
and trace’, followed
with contact-free
hand disinfection.
The system will then
give a green light to
lead the visitor to a prior
selected and cleaned
As Möckesch is at pains to
clarify, safety and sanitisation
should not result in clinical
“An o ice environment can still feel
homely and comfortable, despite the
implementation of additional hygiene
measures, through the careful
selection of colours and
materials for the o ice
design scheme.”
The focus of
the entire
o ice space is
on teamwork
and exchange,
all the while
the correct
distance. The room
configurations are
designed in such a way that
they can be adapted to changing
needs at short notice at any time, including
screens that can be made with mobile
partitions and partition elements.
“The spatial concept is open and flexibly
designed,” says Möckesch. “Anchor points,
in the form of furniture, are clearly placed in
collaboration areas to ensure appropriate
distancing. The room configurations are
designed in such a way that they can
be adapted to changing needs at short
notice, giving the o ice breathing space.
In addition, moveable partition walls and
shielding elements can be used as protective
A new kind of exchange and interaction:
The space o ers a wide choice of spaces for
project and teamwork, in addition to the
team workspace and an informal meeting
area. Other areas enable spontaneous standup
meetings, ensuring an optimal exchange
of ideas.
Says Möckesch: “The o ice is a living
organism that is constantly evolving and
adapting to changing structures and the
7he oƝ ce giYes space for
ideas and opportunities. ,t
becomes a motor for innoYation.
7he focus is more on teamworN
and less on indiYidual worN.”