JUNE 2021 3
kpm media Unit 1 Mill Place, Platt Business Estate,
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Group CEO Nigel Copp nigel.copp@kpmgroup.co.uk
Editorial steering committee
$lan +utchinson, )acilities Director, +oward .ennedy //3
&harles Siddons, +ead of 2perations, 1+S 3roperty SerYices
Darren 0iller, +ead of (0($ )acilities 2perations, 3ay3al
,an :ade, +ead of 8. (states, %ritish 0edical $ssociation
/ucy +ind, +ead of 3roperty ,nterim at %arnsley &ouncil
0arie -ohnson, +ead of :orNplace :ellbeing, 1ominet
5ussell :ood, )acilities 0anager at Dentsu $egis 1etworN
5ussell %urnaby, +ead of )0, 5egeneration and (nYironment, %rent &ouncil
Simon )rancis, 3rincipal /ead, (states and 0asterplanning, =S/
Simone )enton-arYis, :orNplace SerYices &onsultancy DeYelopment Director 5icoh 8.
Stephen %ursi, )acilities /ead, %$( Systems
Stephen 9agg, +ead of (states and Strategy, 1ational (xpress *roup 3/&
9icNy 7horp, +ead of )acilities 0anagement, &/S+ 0anagement
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and overseas readers at £120 p.a. (UK), £160 p.a. (EU countries) and £240 p.a. (overseas-other).
June is meant to mark the complete reopening
of the 8.Ɖs oƝ ce worNplaces. +oweYer, as the
events of the last year have shown, nothing is ever
straightforward when it comes to this pandemic.
Workers’ return to the workplace is not likely to be any
kind of linear process. Whether there is more disruption
to the easing of lockdown due to COVID variants, or sta
resist returning to a traditional 9 to 5 work pattern,
there are undoubtedly big o ice design changes on the
Elements such as social distancing and staggered work
patterns will need to continue while the virus remains
a threat, but the more intriguing question is how the
workplace will look once the imminent danger of infection
has passed.
FMJ has been quizzing experts in design, technology,
facilities services and corporate real estate to get their
measure of how things might pan out. We’re pleased to
publish an invaluable piece of research into a key area
of the professional services sector from Danielle Tonks,
Business Development Manager and Law Firm Specialist
for CBRE Global Workplace Solutions. She’s carried out a
comprehensive survey of legal firms’ intentions towards CRE
post-COVID, and the results were illuminating.
For those who boldly predicted the death of the o ice,
Tonks reveals that the o ice “remains a staple feature of
the working environment for the legal sector”. What the
pandemic has done though is accelerate the adoption of
space utilisation, flexible working and digital technologies.
Digital technology looks set to tighten its hold. As our
FM Clinic contributors discuss in this issue, the technology
needed to connect users instantly to their remote colleagues
is now an essential. Conversely, alongside this, sta who’ve
been soothed by their home comforts during the past 15
months can expect homelier, so er o ice interiors to help
create a nurturing welcome back to the o ice environment.
As always, we’d welcome your feedback about any aspect of
the magazine, together with your insight into what’s happening
in the FM sector.
Total Average
Net Circulation
10,716 July 2019 to June 2020
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