The World Health Organisation recommends
that washing hands with soap and water for at
least 20 seconds is one of the easiest but most
e ective ways to prevent the spread of viruses
and bacteria. However, according to research,
30 per cent of European o ice workers don’t
wash their hands with soap when visiting the
washroom and of those that do, 95 per cent
don’t use enough soap or water.
Ideal Standard, one of the world’s leading
providers of bathroom and washroom
products, has launched Intellimix, which is
designed to dispense both soap and water
with every use. Because the tap is completely
touch-free, this guarantees improved hygiene
standards in public washrooms, o ices, leisure
facilities and other high-tra ic environments,
such as shopping centres, hotels and
restaurants, and airports. The idea is for the
fitting to significantly lower running costs while
being sustainable and reducing waste.
Despite delivering an optimum volume of
soap with every wash for improved hygiene,
Intellimix actually reduces the overall amount
of soap and water typically used in washrooms
with traditional fittings, minimising waste and
generating cost savings of up to 80 per cent
on soap and 85 per cent on water. The system
is bluetooth enabled, so o ers parameter
32 JUNE MARCH 2021
settings which
can be easily
by facilities
managers via
a smartphone.
This means
they can
change a
variety of
settings on all
taps in a building, including how much soap
is dispensed, how long water should flow and
how o en anti-stagnation flushing should
occur. The device also sends notifications
when soap is running low to avoid unnecessary
physical checks.
1 - How clean and tidy does your washroom look?
6 - Are you providing hand sanitiser in washrooms
(mployees want to feel confi dent that the washroom is being
and other key locations around the business?
cleaned regularly and properly. &onsider improYing your
,tƉs important to proYide hand sanitiser in washrooms and
cleaning regime and its freTuency and communicate these
other Ney locations around the business, such as reception
improYements to your employees.
areas. &onsider using a freestanding hand sanitising station,
$re the hand washing and drying options worNing" ,f you
with notouch, antidrip sanitiser dispenser to maNe it easier
haYe oYerƜ owing bins and messy dripping soap dispensers,
to position exactly where itƉs needed.
these can be rectifi ed easily. $ larger bin, or more freTuent
<ou can also increase hygiene in other areas by, for example,
emptying may be reTuired, or you could consider a
proYiding safe seat sanitiser in toilet cubicles a sanitising
sustainable cotton roller towel or an eƝ cient electric hand
foam that is used, with toilet tissue, to sanitise the toilet.
dryer. )or a messfree basin area, there is a wide range of
antidrip soap dispensers aYailable.
7 – Is your washroom always well-stocked and tidy?
2 - How does your washroom smell?
Empty soap dispensers and cubicles with no
toilet tissue, are common frustrations for
0aNing sure your washroom passes
the ƈnose testƉ is really important.
employees and, along with oYerƜ owing
5egular cleaning and waste
bins, can giYe the impression that
disposal are Ney, but itƉs also easy
the washroom isn’t properly
to add eƚ ectiYe air freshening or
air purifying.
There are many ways to make it
:allmounted air freshening
easier to keep the washroom clean
units can either gradually release
and functioning and reduce the
essential oil fragrances within the
time spent doing this. 7hese include
unit itself or spray a dry fragrance at
using long lasting soap and sanitiser
times to suit the business.
dispensers with easy to use, refi ll
There is also the option to use a small air
pouches, so there is no diƝ cult fi lling from
purifi cation unit to purify the air, Nilling bacteria
a bottle, and dispensers that feature an antidrip
and Yiruses and eliminating odours, without the need for
chemicals or fragrances.
3 - Are you providing the best soap for your
employees’ needs?
:e are all washing our hands more freTuently, but are you
proYiding the most appropriate soap for your employees"
7here is a wide choice of liTuid and foam soaps aYailable,
designed to meet the reTuirements of diƚ erent business
sectors. 7hey include sanitising soap for the food industry,
heaYy duty cleaning soap for the remoYal of oil and grease
and gentle hand soap that also Nills bacteria.
4 - Are you providing adequate hand drying facilities?
Did you Nnow that damp hands can spread more germs" ,tƉs
more important than eYer to proYide hand drying solutions
that worN for your employees.
7here are three main options aYailable electric hand dryers,
paper towel and cotton roll. (ach haYe their own benefi ts,
so itƉs worth getting adYice on what would be right for your
(lectric dryer options include fast and Tuiet dryers, with
nogerm +(3$ fi lter and antimicrobial coating, and taps that
wash and dry. 3aper towels are aYailable folded or in rolls,
and cotton roller towel comes in a dispenser that keeps the
used and fresh towel separate, with the complete roll reused
after going through an industrial laundry process, for a more
sustainable alternatiYe.
5 - Are you maximising hygiene with no-touch
,tƉs easy to minimise touchpoints in the washroom. 2ptions
include notouch soap and sanitiser dispensers which
automatically dispense when hands are placed underneath, as
well as notouch electric hand dryers, paper towel dispensers
and feminine hygiene bins.
system for cleaner surfaces. 7oilet roll dispensers can feature
practical inspection windows, to see when they are almost
empty, and easy opening for replacement. ,t can also help to
use a washroom serYice, such as that proYided by (lis, with
replacement products proYided during regular, scheduled
serYice Yisits.
8 – How good is your feminine hygiene system?
(mployers haYe a duty of care to proYide feminine hygiene
disposal facilities, and itƉs important to encourage use by
ensuring that sanitary bins are as pleasant to use as possible.
(mployees will appreciate pedal or notouch opening and
biological germicidal sachets, which inhibit bacterial growth
and preYent odours.
9 - Do you have hygiene reminders in your washroom
and around your business?
3osters on good handwashing techniTue can be a useful
reminder for employees, as well as helping to communicate
that you are taNing hygiene seriously.
There are also simple ways to remind employees to practice
social distancing around the business, such as message mats
which feature simple social distancing messages and also
help to Neep Ɯ oors clean and safe.
10 - How sustainable is your washroom?
Sustainability is of increasing importance to both employees
and customers, so itƉs worth considering if you could maNe
your washroom more sustainable.
&hoose a range that uses enYironmentally friendly materials
with paper consumables that are (colabel certifi ed. +ygiene
waste can be diYerted away from landfi ll to power generation
and soap and sanitiser refi ll pouches can minimise waste and
be recycled. $ washroom serYer proYider, liNe (lis, can also
help businesses reduce their washroom water usage.