The spaces where we live, work, study and
play have a significant impact on our mood,
energy levels and wellbeing – and lighting plays
a significant part. Lighting has the power to
influence the way we feel and behave, a ecting
our comfort and ability to concentrate. Thanks to
recent advances in lighting control technology,
‘human-centric’ lighting techniques can be used
to improve people’s experience of any space.
Lighting control solutions are available to suit
pretty much every application, however challenging
or creative. Facilities managers are typically most
concerned with energy e iciency and cost savings,
which is where sensors come into their own.
Occupancy sensors provide information about which
rooms and spaces are in use, allowing the system to
adjust the light levels accordingly.
It’s not just a question of a simple on-o . Sensors
can evaluate the level of natural light and adjust
the output of the luminaires accordingly. Sensors
can be time-activated, linked together to work as a
set, or installed independently as needed. Sensors
are available that work at very high ceiling heights
across a wide area, or can be shielded to work for a
relatively small space. Some sensors can change the
warmth of the light and dim or brighten as required.
Switching can be equally flexible. Lighting can be
controlled by a simple wall switch, adjusted from an
app on a mobile phone, or operated remotely from
a central unit. This allows FMs to achieve their ideal
lighting design, whatever the nature of their building.
Commercial and public buildings all have the same
basic needs. They are likely to have o ices requiring
good lighting levels for computer work, corridors
where lighting can be dimmed when not in use,
and reception areas which need to be welcoming
throughout the day.
In o ices the main need is to create spaces where
people feel comfortable, alert and motivated.
Communal working areas will need task lighting
enabling employees to focus on their work, but also
good levels of ambient lighting.
BEG Lighting Controls recently designed bespoke
lighting systems for two refurbished call centres
for a large UK broadcasting company. The key
priorities were energy e iciency, flexibility, and the
need to keep workers energised and productive. We
implemented a lighting strategy which substantially
reduced energy consumption and introduced a high
level of flexibility and control. We recommended
occupancy sensors that would keep the new LED
lighting on in the event of a mains power failure –
ensuring call centre operators could continue to
answer customer calls and deal with enquiries. The
whole system can be manually operated by a single
push button, or remotely controlled.
Lighting controls can help schools to make the most
of their space by enabling multipurpose rooms –
particularly useful where space is at a premium
and budgets are tight. We designed the lighting
for the brand-new John Keats Primary Free School
in London, which aims to provide an enhanced
learning environment for its pupils. The lighting had
to be designed and controlled in a way that would
maximise the pupils’ comfort, concentration and
We set up the classrooms to operate in semiautomatic
mode (sometimes referred to as absence
detection). This means that once the lights and
detector have been turned on via a wall switch,
brightness levels are set automatically and the
lighting will stay on until there is enough natural
daylight or the room is empty.
Lighting is key to creating atmosphere in hotels
and restaurants. Some might require a calm, restful
environment, designed to put guests and customers
at ease and encourage them to stay longer. If the
vibe is more upbeat, a brighter, more vibrant lighting
scheme can be used to reflect the brand and make
customers feel energised.
Lighting can also promote more flexible use of
space, switching between di erent moods where
a room is used for multiple activities, or adjusting
to suit the di ering needs of the occupants. For
example, a hotel room primarily requires pleasant
ambient lighting for a guest to feel comfortable and
relaxed, but brighter light is needed while the room is
being cleaned to allow the sta to do a thorough job.
In hospitals and health centres, the focus is on
safety, hygiene, and energy savings. Corridors and
communal areas need to be well lit to ensure that
medical sta can do their jobs around the clock. On
wards, the lighting must be conducive to patient
comfort, allowing them to rest and sleep, while
ensuring there is enough light for sta to carry out
their tasks.
Many hospitals are large old buildings which
have been extended, meaning that many areas are
enclosed with limited natural light. The challenge is
to make these areas feel as natural as possible, for
those that work there as well as patients and visitors.
Lighting controls provide the necessary flexibility to
enable all these lighting modes.
Paul Jones, Country Director
UK and Ireland for BEG Lighting
Controls, explains how today’s
sophisticated lighting technology
can meet the needs of any building