Flexible o ice space across Europe has more
than doubled in size since 2014 and is set to
grow by up to 30 per cent per year over the next
five years. The drivers behind this rapid growth
are changes in how, when and where people
work, shi s in lifestyle, and rapid advancements
in technology that allow remote working. Cities
such as Birmingham, Bristol, Leeds, Manchester,
London, Cardi , Edinburgh and Glasgow have
experienced strong growth. Flexible spaces in
London already makes up around 20 per cent of
the total.
The explosion in tech start-ups and the rise of
the gig economy is driving the market, whilst
corporate attitudes are changing from having one
large headquarters to being flexible about where
sta work. Companies are realising, too, especially
those in the tech sector, that to attract the right
calibre of employees they need to be flexible in
terms of location and work patterns, which means
the traditional 9-5 o ice setting may no longer be
This growth in flexible and shared o ice space is
prompting facility managers to look for better ways
of creating safe working environments and which are
accessible 24/7.
However, the very nature of flexible o ice space,
characterised by an ever changing, transitory
workforce, presents quite a challenge, especially
where there isn’t a permanent reception or security
team. The most vulnerable location tends to be
the front entrance, where there is a temptation for
criminals to simply walk through in the knowledge
that they won’t be challenged. Add to this the fact
that many tech and gig-based businesses need 24/7
access and you can see why getting entrance control
right might at first seem daunting. However, there
are a number of options:
Speed Gates are a good choice if there is a
permanently sta ed reception point, especially if
there is a high throughput of people. That’s because
they are capable of allowing around 40 people per
minute to transit through each lane, and can be
specified in multiple banks to facilitate a greater
throughput of people per minute.
In order to prevent criminals gaining access by
closely following behind an authorised user, without
14 FEBRUARY 2020
presenting the correct ID, biometric or pin, Speed
Gates should incorporate anti-tailgating measures. It
is also worth specifying alarms on the cabinet in case
a person attempts to use it as a base to climb over.
The alarm alerts the facility manager or security team
who can then intervene and apprehend the would-be
In terms of aesthetics, most Speed Gates are highly
customisable and can be specified with a wide range
of materials, finishes and colours such as stainless
steel, bronze and Corian, making them contrast or
complement the interior design scheme. They can
be provided with compact footprints, suitable for
smaller entrance areas with restricted space, and
can be retro-fitted into refurbished buildings with
minimal disruption to existing floors.
Where secure 24/7 access is required, and where
there isn’t a sta ed reception or manned-security
team, Security Portals are the best choice, because
they are capable of preventing unauthorised access
and forced entry attack.
Security Portals operate as a standalone
interlocking door system creating a highly secure
physical barrier at the point of entry. They provide
an e ective method of controlling access through
single-person authenticated entry, whilst preventing
a person tailgating their way into the building.
Recent innovations in the industry include fire
rated portals which can give people vital extra
minutes to escape in the event of a fire because they
help maintain the ‘safe corridor’ out of the building.
Once occupants have safely evacuated there are
other benefits, because they then protect data and
other assets from the flames by providing up to two
hours protection.
Until relatively recently, it was common for
fire-rated swing doors to be used within a building
to protect data and assets from fire. However, the
problem with these kinds of installations is that
once the door is open anyone can pass through it by
tailgating the person in front – and there is even the
temptation for that person to hold the door open for
them. So, although security doors are robust and can
meet the required fire regulations, it relies on only
authorised users entering. A number of specifiers
have approached us because they were looking
for a more secure, airlock, physical entry barrier
that would also provide resistance to fire from both
directions. When valid credentials are presented our
Security Portals enable single person transit and
include APD technology (Anti Piggy-Backing Device)
to prevent tailgating. The APD scans the inside of the
portal with an ultrasonic sensor and is combined
with a two zone pressure mat to ensure that only
one person has entered. If more than one person is
present within the portal, an alarm is triggered and
the transit is denied.
Having this level of security in place means that
combining it with a fire rating would meet the
requirements for a safe and secure physical entry
barrier and remove the need for a fire curtain.
Anywhere that there is a requirement to protect
electronic or physical data records from fire and
criminals requires an integrated physical security and
fire rated approach. That includes public R&D suites,
record o ices, IT rooms, laboratories or research
facilities, and as a result, many of the units now
available can be easily retrofitted, which is helped by
the fact that they are stand-alone units.
Where there is a requirement for a pay-as-you-go
o ice space, Speed Gates and Security Portals are
available that can be integrated with, and operated
using coin, contactless card or NFC payment
terminals. This enables your client to operate on
either a membership basis or on a pay-as-you go
charge to use the facilities, day or night, ensuring
only paid users and authorised personnel have
Speed Gates are available that have been
specifically designed for pay-to-access facilities and
can operate by membership ID card or payment
terminal. Access to the Speed Gate cabinet and
coin box is controlled by separate locks, ensuring
only authorised personnel can access either
compartment. Having the ability to take revenue
without the requirement for a manned reception
facilitates extended operating hours.
Both Security Portals and Speeds Gates can be
integrated with a wide range of access control
devices such as facial recognition, card readers,
biometric identification, barcode scanners, people
counters or ID cards.
Flexible offi ce space is predicted to grow by an average of 25 per cent per year
over the next fi ve years. Getting entrance security right is an important part
of maintaining the appeal of these workspaces argues Iain Entwistle, Product
Marketing Manager at Meesons A.I.