IWFM Women in FM @IWFM_WomeninFM
The lean thinking process starts with the
customer, efficiencies are the outcome of a
customer oriented lean process. #WIFM2020
Antony Slumbers @antonyslumbers
Latest blog post from me: ‘The 2010s were
about efficiency in the workplace. If we are
smart, the 2020s will be about effectiveness.’ /
Guesting on the excellent @essensys
Declan Grant Event Researcher at Unwired
Ventures Ltd
With more & more of those belonging to Gen Z
enter the workplace; we are now seeing new
methods being implemented which looks to
enhance their productivity.
RoSPA Workplace @RoSPAWorkplace
Whether you’re a manager who needs to handle
health and safety or looking to further your
career in health and safety, hitting the ground
running with IOSH is vital to your future career. #HealthandSafety
Michael Kohn
Founder of Confers: End-to-end consultation
on built environment, innovation or
transformation projects. What are the current
ways of discovering what makes the end user
be or feel most productive in their workplace?
#workplaceproductivity #enduser
Sodexo UK & Ireland @SodexoUK_IRE
5 key UK facts from the Sodexo Global
Workplace study. View the infographic here - #WorkReimagined
Leesman @Leesman_Index
2019’s Leesman+ list is here! Just a fraction
of the workplaces we measure receive
the coveted Leesman+ accreditation.
Check out our video for a peek at some
of last year’s best workplaces #bestwork
Acas @acasorguk
Whenever a worker is absent from work due to
illness, a return to work meeting should be held
on their return #Managingabsence
18 FEBRUARY 2020
Carbon Neutral, Carbon O setting, Net
zero, rewilding, green roofs, wellbeing,
single use plastic: the list of things to be
aware of, to cut, to manage and recycle could
be seen as bewildering. But we have to see
headlines, targets and the call for businesses
to be seen to be responding to the climate
emergency not in cynical terms. Ignore the
media headline and marketing hype. Cut to the
chase. We have no choice. We have to act now.
Our planet; our house is burning up. There’s
a need for action and it is right now. What’s
more as custodians of the built environment we
are probably as well placed as any profession
or discipline to make a major impact to drive
In previous blogs we have discussed how those
of us that work in FM and the built environment
more generally have a huge role to play in energy
and carbon usage, both in the assets we operate
but also more importantly within the operations
we run. The danger of this singular focus on the
environment though is that the importance of
delivering on wider sustainable targets are lost
or ignored.
The wellbeing of our planet is not just about
the carbon we burn, its about the societies we
create, the economic environments that are
engendered and the opportunities
that we provide through
development activities. The
ambition for businesses
should be to take a more
holistic view of our
impact and look to
become Net positive,
which ultimately
means that we put back
more into society, the
environment and the
global economy than we
take out.
The obvious conflict between
the development of our planet
and the mass consumption this creates
versus the need to sustain the environment is
not a new issue. The current focus on the climate
emergency and the growing instances of extreme
weather has brought our thoughts on the planet
to the fore, but it was back in 1982 that the United
Nations established the world commission on
Environment and Development culminating in
their report in 1987 entitled ‘our common future’.
The need to balance our development
needs with the needs of the environment has
eventually led to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
Development, adopted by all United Nations
member states in 2015, which provided a
common set of objectives to help deliver peace
and prosperity for people and the planet both
now and well into the future.
Rory Murphy, Commercial Director, VINCI Facilities
At the heart of this new agenda for 2030 are
the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
These goals balance the need to end poverty or
to deliver safe drinking water with initiatives
that reduce inequality, provide access to good
educational opportunities or act as a catalyst
for economic growth, crucially though, whilst
also tackling climate change and protecting our
natural environments.
The best businesses are addressing this
challenge and pursuing a Net positive approach
whereby they do not just concentrate on their
e ect on Climate through carbon usage.
The leading businesses look
at the positive e ects that
development can bring in
terms of the long-term
wellbeing of our planet
and all those that
The obvious confl ict
between the development of
our planet and the mass
consumption this creates
versus the need to sustain
the environment is not
inhabit it. The United
Nations report back in
1987 concluded that
‘the “environment”
is where we live; and
“development” is what
we all do in attempting to
improve our lot within that
abode. The two are inseparable’.
When we begin to look at the
Sustainable Development goals through
a new issue.”
this Net positive lens we are then truly becoming
a sector that is wholly sustainable and working
for the overall wellness of our planet. The
SDG’s may appear academic, aspirational or
even obscure but translating them into simple
language, building them in to business strategies
and setting sensible long-term targets should be
at the very heart of any responsible business.
The 17 SDG’s are broad and clearly global
in their nature and it is impossible to credibly
argue that in our role as experts in the built
environment that we could influence them all.
As professionals though we have an obligation to
raise the profile of the key ones our sector e ects
and drive those agendas as hard as we are driving
the climate emergency tactics right now.