As recently reported by a leading
real estate consultancy, there
has been a 35 per cent increase in
new-build hotels in the UK market
in recent years, making up 66 per
cent of all new hotel rooms. With
this in mind, the conversation
around safety, compliance and
regulatory standards should be at
the forefront of discussion, not only
for construction teams, but also for
the facilities management service
providers who are tasked with
keeping the buildings running.
Within one month last year, three
hotels in London, Bristol and Lewes
su ered minor-to-major damage from
fires which broke out in the buildings.
The most serious fire was at a Premier
Inn hotel in Bristol , which was almost
entirely destroyed in a devastating
blaze (thankfully no one was hurt).
Although the cause of this incident
remains unclear, it is a painful
reminder of the importance of fire
safety and compliance, and the need
to ensure fire safety maintenance and
compliance is well managed.
FMJ: Can you describe the current
state of fire safety regulations?
Harrison Briggs (HB): It goes
without saying that fire safety has
always played a pivotal role in the
construction and maintenance of
buildings, especially in high-rise
buildings and densely populated
areas. But the awareness,
scrutiny and focus on the topic
has been growing recently
within the sector and
society, particularly in the
wake of the Grenfell
fire in June 2017.
Nick Fox (NF): The government is
taking steps towards safeguarding
from such events with the production
of the ‘Building a Safer Future’
report by Dame Judith Hackett,
which gives considerable insight on
the issue. However, there is still a
lot to be done before the regulatory
standards catch-up to the rapidly
developing world of construction and
the growing use of technology within
the sector.
How would you define the term
compliance within your sector?
NF: Within the facilities management
industry, the term ‘compliance’ can
be interpreted in di erent ways and
so measurement standards can vary
depending on the type of building,
sector or management. Hard FM
compliance, for example, can be
split into two sections. Statutory and
mandatory compliance relates to
carrying out the right maintenance,
to the right assets, at the right
frequency, abiding to the relevant
legislation and guidance. Sector
compliance is about ensuring you
have the appropriate sub-contractor
management, permit to work
systems, COSHH assessments, DSE
assessments, working at height
procedures, relevant
and up to date
and risk assessments, relevant
to your specific field of work.
HB: While Nick’s examples stress
the need for compliance solutions
with regards to fire particularly,
this of course applies to other areas
of buildings. Water, gas, electric,
pressure levels, and li s, to name
a few, all need the same level of
attention to ensure they meet
relevant regulatory standards.
This is where a compliance
management system can come into
play, by o ering businesses critical
compliance support across property
portfolios. The management of
building maintenance is no easy task
and will consume a vast amount
of time for any facilities manager.
Having a system in place to act as a
one-stop solution for all maintenance
needs can help FMs work more
e ectively, bettering any existing
e orts by streamlining processes,
alerts and standards.
How can facilities managers
embrace this new shi to techfocused
NF: The varying nature of FMs work
o en attracts very di erent skillsets,
dependent on various factors
including the building type and age,
quantity of people in said space, and
any existing support in place. The
debate between outsourcing and
carrying out FM services in-house
is an ongoing one, which will likely
never have a definitive
answer more in
favour of one
or the other. So, the role of
the FM will forever need
to be involved in H&S and
compliance in at least
some capacity.
HB: The work of
facilities management
varies greatly
between di erent
organisations, so
businesses must
ensure their FMs have the necessary
skills and the required resources
available to support any challenges
that may crop up. Whether this is in
the form of training courses, so ware
solutions or other sta around them,
it is down to the company to ensure
that all necessary support is in place.
For all maintenance related activities
in facilities management, there
are certain processes that should
unquestionably be put in place to
ensure safe and e ective results.
Investing in a compliance system
will streamline and digitise the entire
compliance process and provide
accurate real-time compliance status
across the entire property portfolio.
FMs can easily manage their statutory
building (and other business critical)
requirements in one central online
location using smart and dynamic
dashboards, evidence-based
reporting, automated reminders and
notifications, along with many other
bespoke features.
Compliance applies to all areas of
managing a building. There is no end
to the list of tasks that comprises the
role of the facility manager; and with
this, of course, comes the possibility
of error. Building maintenance
is no easy suit, and whether you
are working in risk assessment,
procedures, management, or any
other area of FM, the most
important piece of advice I
can provide is to invest in
a suitable compliance
system. FM
are here to
make your
easier and
more e ective,
so invest in the
o erings on the
market to see the
benefits in your
role and those
around you.
FMJ talks to Harrison Briggs, Solutions Manager at Churchill Group, and Nick Fox,
FM consultant and Chair of IWFM UK Members Council on the growing need to
adopt the latest fi re safety and compliance technology within the hospitality sector
46 FEBRUARY 2020