In FMJ's regular monthly column, our team of FM experts answer your
questions about the world of facilities management
The modern workplace is
increasingly becoming key
for employee wellbeing and
engagement. FMs are now
better positioned than ever
to make a profound and
lasting e ect in creating a
workspace that encourages
a wellbeing ethos that
makes productivity and
success more likely.
The concept of
considering employees
wellbeing when designing a
workspace is still a relatively new one, but it’s not just
about getting the workplace right. This is just ‘one
column’ of many, if workplace wellbeing is to be
championed and enjoyed by all inclusively.
Healthy eating is well established and much
publicised already, this should now be a
constant with whatever o er you are able to
provide in the workplace.
Flexible working practices represent a
growing trend and taps into the need for a
better work-life balance. However, ‘Working
Smarter’ trumps just ‘working flexibly’ in my
opinion. The ‘Agile O ice’ principle itself pays
homage to wellbeing. Reducing and centralising
recycling receptacles and printers for example break
the sedentary culture.
FMs are well placed to implement simple and relatively
20 FEBRUARY 2020
low-cost innovations that
will encourage occupants to
improve on their wellbeing.
Policies can be a great
enabler, if adopted wisely. For
example, no eating ‘El Desko’ (at
workstations) will force people out
of chairs, ‘Use the Stairs’ campaigns
- displaying the health benefit of
stairs vs li on each flight of stairs and
landings, and the tried & tested walking
We regularly host various mindfulness events from
Meditation and Yoga to Spoon Carving. These really do seem
to stir and engage colleagues across the board. I recently had
a HR Manager spend many a lunch hour donning her overalls
to restore an antique bench salvaged from our old council
chamber – all in the name of wellbeing! I’d say to FMs ‘landgrab’
any spare space you can for this use, even on temporary
basis (possession is 4/5ths etc. etc.) and work collaboratively
with colleagues to champion such activities. If you are
fortunate enough to have outdoor space at your disposal then
the opportunities are endless, if properly risk assessed of
course – we are FMs a er all!
FMs do not need a business case to promote Wellbeing – the
engagement is out there already.
We spend a large portion of our time in our o ices, so it makes
complete sense that the buildings we work in have a profound
impact on our wellbeing. Most organisations are more aware
than ever about the importance of the design of their
workspace, but many still need to think beyond
that initial design step. Healthy buildings such
as those that meet the International WELL
Building Institute standard are designed
to be healthy throughout their lifetime,
not just on the day they are opened.
WELL buildings take into account
seven di erent elements of the
workplace which are all equally
important, but many are o en
overlooked by FM teams on an ongoing
basis. Combined, the seven factors of
Air, Water, Nourishment, Light, Fitness,
Comfort and Mind combat many chronic
diseases, reduce mental health issues and improve
productivity. Cundall reported that their WELL certified
building notably reduced sick leave and attrition within just
Alongside the design
and layout of a
workplace, the way
it is run can have a
profound e ect on the
wellbeing of occupants,
including encouraging
breaks, improving
ergonomics and ensuring
access to healthy food and
exercise. In what ways can FMs meet
growing expectations to improve
wellbeing in the workplace?
Ian Wade
If you are fortunate
enough to have outdoor space
at your disposal then the
opportunities are endless, if
properly risk assessed of course
– we are FMs after all! ”
– Ian Wade