JULY 2021 53
Since the start of the pandemic, hygiene has
DURABLE’s new NO TOUCH Sensor Bins are the
become more important than ever, and will
contactless solution for o ices and communal spaces
play a significant role a er COVID. As facilities
such as kitchens and bathrooms. Simply wave your
managers in businesses search for ways to
hand to open the bin and the lid automatically
reduce Coronavirus risks in the workplace, and
closes 5 seconds a er use. In four di erent sizes, with
with sta starting to return to the o ice, going
capacities from 6 to 35 litres, you are sure to find the
contactless is another step to prevent the spread
perfect size for every environment!
of infection. Hands-free solutions are becoming
ever more integrated in our day-to-day world,
Hands o !
from payments to access, voice activation and
now hygiene.
Make touching waste a thing of the past!
Have you placed
stations around
your building to
encourage good
hygiene and
keep everyone
safe? Washing
and sanitising
hands regularly
and thoroughly
is important,
especially when returning to working in close
proximity to one another and using the same shared
spaces. Ideally choose a dispenser with a lever arm
or foot pedal, meaning you
don’t have to dirty your
hands to disinfect!
Durable's range of 3
dispensers o er the perfect
solution for your business.
Choose between floorstanding
and wall-mounted
dispensers which can be
used with soap or hand
sanitiser. The hygienic long
lever arm can be operated using the forearm and
elbow to prevent the need to use hands!
This summer, countless retail, hospitality and
the necessary boxes to keep the premises safe and
assessment is
entertainment properties across the whole
secure until new tenants can move in.
also carried out
country are standing closed and forlorn as a
Like an easy to understand and buy, one-stop-shop
to highlight any
consequence of lockdown destroying their
solution, ShopShield One will cover replacement
other issues, for
business one way or another. And, no matter
locks, a temporary letterbox seal, key safe and
which a set of
what it says in their lease, tenants who have run
flammable waste removal. A comprehensive risk
bolt-on services is
out of the wherewithal to pay rent, arrears
and monthly outgoings, won’t worry about
security for their abandoned premises.
The responsibility, therefore, inevitably falls
back on the sometimes-beleaguered landlord
who has his own finance issues to deal with.
Unfortunately, these empty units are like an
open invitation to thieves, vandals, arsonists or
squatters, even fly-tippers if there is an inviting
forecourt to dump on. Landlords can well live
without all this in terms of time and further cost.
Commercial security specialists, Clearway,
have stepped into the breach with exactly what’s
needed to stop both criminals and mindless
vandals: ShopShield, a fixed-price, retail security
solution that is simple, a ordable and ticks all
to provide
measures tailored to the individual needs
of the premises. These include a wireless,
monitored alarm system, utilities drain down,
and regular property inspections. Clearway’s
prompt and personal service will do whatever
is necessary or appropriate for each individual
retail unit, big or small.
Deterrent is the word, a ordability the key,
and peace of mind the result. Why wait? One
call to the specialists and we can solve your
empty retail property security problem straight