Less than 1/3 Of UK’s top
jobs are fi lled by women
The 2022 Sex and Power Index – the biennial report from the
Fawcett Society which charts the progress towards equal
representation for women in top jobs across the UK shows
that women are outnumbered by men 2:1 in positions of
In business, women represent just eight per cent of FTSE
100 CEOs, and none are women of colour. Women hold 37.7
per cent of non-executive directorships, but just 13.7 per cent
of executive directorships.
The report argues that too few women in positions of
power is one of the causes of the gender pay gap and the
complete lack of women of colour in top jobs in many sectors
also feeds the ethnicity pay gap. The report concludes it is
essential that this Government introduces intersectional
ethnicity pay gap reporting and gets to grips with inequalities
in our society that hold back women of colour.
Lack of face time with
bosses could lead to
staff retention crisis
Two in three professionals
have reported that they are
‘highly likely’ to leave their
job this year due to a lack
of face time with leaders
within their organisation.
Following the Government’s
decision to drop workingfrom
home restrictions, an
annual employee survey from
global recruiter Robert Walters
reveals the potential damage
of upholding remote leadership in 2022.
Results from the survey indicate a correlation between a
decrease in output and morale for professionals who claim
they see their manager (face-to-face) less than once a week.
Both output and morale steadily increased for professionals
who spent more days in the o
ice with their manager.
Amey's schools FM business embraces
Scottish Kickstart programme
Amey is making the most of the Government’s
Kickstart programme by converting participants
into full time apprenticeship positions. Students
who joined the country-wide programme in 2021
have now been given a range of permanent roles
from carpenters to FM and catering assistants.
As part of the Amey team, they will now develop
their experience and help provide a sustainable
workforce for the organisation's FM contracts
across the region.
The Kickstart scheme, announced by the chancellor in 2020, is a training programme
that aims to secure quality job roles for unemployed young people between the ages
of 16-24, for a minimum of 25 hours a week for a period of six months. It works by
providing participants with confidence, experience, and skills through on-the-job
training. Amey delivers facilities and estate management services to the Glasgow
and Renfrewshire Schools Private Finance Initiative across an estate of 39 schools.
Involvement in the Kickstart initiative forms part of Amey Secure Infrastructure’s
ongoing people commitments which aim to provide young people with quality job
opportunities – particularly those in hard-to-reach areas.
Stephanie Johnson, Secure Infrastructure HR Director, commented: “Ensuring that
Amey has a highly skilled and sustainable pipeline of talent is at the heart of our people
agenda. The Kickstart programme has provided us with the ability to search out talent
from hard-to-reach areas and work with them to develop their own abilities.”
Recruitment industry leaders foresee
‘unprecedented’ labour shortages
2022 will see a renewed
focus on employer
Geraldine King, CEO at
branding as job seekers
Employment & Recruitment
retain power in the labour
Federation of Ireland,
market, technology drives
predicts that 2022 will
personalised interactions
come with challenges in the
and the imperative for a
shape of ongoing candidate
consultative approach.
shortages and possibly even
This is according to a group
some legislative hurdles.
of careers experts which
“However, overall, it will be
Access Recruitment gathered
buoyant with jobs and likely
together to share their
be an incredibly exciting year
predictions of what 2022
for recruitment globally,”
has in store for recruitment
she says.
agencies, jobseekers and
According to Neil Carberry,
CEO, Recruitment &
Employment Confederation
firms in 2022 will continue to
experience unprecedented
labour shortages and they
will need help from experts.
“Together, recruitment
firms can transition into a
much higher value, more
professional service business
model to work closely
with clients. The idea of
recruitment as a professional
service will, I believe, truly
come alive in 2022,” he says.
Tech companies dominate
Glassdoor Best Places to Work
ServiceNow, Immediate Media Company, Abcam and
Meta were among the Top Ten winners of Glassdoor’s
Employees’ Choice Awards, honouring the Best Places
to Work in 2022 across the UK. Unlike other workplace
awards, the Glassdoor Employees’ Choice Awards are
based on the input of employees who voluntarily provide
anonymous feedback on Glassdoor by completing a
company review about their job, work environment and
employer over the past year.
Tech companies dominate the list with 19 winners,
including seven in the top 10.
58 FEBRUARY 2022